Fun Facts About Edible Plankton

Edible plankton contains a protein rich in essential amino acids that goes against everything scientists used to think about vegetable proteins. Read more in this article!
Fun facts about edible plankton

One of the culinary revolutions of the moment, along with insects, is the consumption of edible plankton. This is a group of micro-organisms that are found in water, at a depth of about 200 meters.

Normally, it is a food source for various types of marine life, such as whales. However, it is becoming more common in the kitchen because it contains nutrients that can benefit human health.

Edible plankton: a source of vitamins

Plankton is high in vitamin C and vitamin E. The former is closely related to immune function, according to a 2016 study. Furthermore, these vitamins help in metabolizing iron and improving its absorption. As if this were not enough, plankton is a source of antioxidants and aids in the production of collagen.

Vitamin E acts as a powerful antioxidant. Consuming it may help prevent neurodegenerative processes such as Alzheimer’s disease, as noted in an article published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences . In addition, it helps protect against cardiovascular disease as it can reduce the oxidation rate of LDL lipoprotein. 

Vitamin C in plankton

Excellent organoleptic properties

On the other hand, edible plankton has organoleptic properties that make it very useful in the kitchen. It can have a strong sea flavor, making it a sought-after product to enhance the aromas of many dishes.

This is one of the reasons for the high price, which can be as much as a thousand dollars a pound. Fortunately, a few teaspoons are enough to enrich any dish.

Edible plankton: a source of proteins and fatty acids

Edible plankton is rich in essential amino acids, which is different from the traditional concept of vegetable proteins. However, it is mainly water, so it doesn’t contain as much protein as animal products.

In addition, it is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. This nutrient, along with vitamin E, makes it a heart-healthy food. Consuming it can slightly alter the lipid profile and prevent oxidation. This can protect you against certain cardiovascular diseases.

Fish also eat plankton

Superfoods don’t exist

While there are those who think that edible plankton is a superfood, most current scientific research thinks it doesn’t exist.

No single product can prevent or cure disease on its own. Performance depends on the other foods that make up the diet. So to get the positive effects of a product, it must be part of a varied and balanced diet.

Edible plankton, rare food

Despite its organoleptic properties and the antioxidants and vitamins it contains, plankton is a rare food item today.

It is used in haute cuisine to add flavor and even color to certain dishes. However, its high price makes it difficult to access for most people.

Despite everything, it contains a lot of nutrients and has a good antioxidant capacity. Its vitamin E and omega 3 fatty acids make it a great ally for the cardiovascular system. However, these nutrients can be found in nature in many products. So you don’t have to eat plankton to get them.

Remember that superfoods do not exist and to be healthy you have to follow healthy lifestyle habits. For example, following a varied and balanced diet helps you to have enough energy.

Finally, prioritizing fresh foods over processed foods will help reduce the risk of developing complex diseases. In addition, make sure that you combine this with regular exercise.

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