Gas In The Stomach: Four Natural Remedies

Accumulating gas in your gut often leads to bloating and abdominal pain. You can treat it using some natural remedies with the plants we mention in this article.
Stomach Gas: Four Natural Remedies

Digestive disorders are common. That is why there are many natural remedies to get relief. In fact, gas in the stomach is one of the most common digestive disorders, as well as one of the most irritating. Fortunately, there are a few medicinal plants that can help you prevent and relieve it.

Plants That Can Relieve Stomach Gas

Excess gas that builds up in the gastrointestinal tract usually leads to flatulence, belching and bloating. There are many different causes. For example, some gases are the result of food intolerances. In addition, others arise from an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine.

You should see a doctor if you often experience gas. However, also keep these remedies in mind as they are a great addition to any medical treatment.

Below, we’ll take a look at the action and uses of four of the most effective plants that can speed up stomach gas relief: fennel, chamomile, Ceylon cinnamon, and ginger.

1. Fennel

Cup of fennel tea and fennel

For starters, fennel is one of the best-known remedies for relieving gas in the abdomen. Fennel has antispasmodic properties that reduce the abdominal pain caused by indigestion.

The seeds, roots and leaves are a widely used remedy in many countries for improving digestion and reducing bloating after a meal.

Fennel has carminative properties. This means that it facilitates the elimination of gases from the digestive tract when you have flatulence. It also helps relieve stomach pain, promotes easy bowel movements and can stop diarrhea.

Finally, fennel is the ideal remedy to reduce the intensity of colic in babies. A study (link to an English article) suggests using fennel seed oil for babies under 12 weeks old. This treatment can help reduce bowel spasms and increase small bowel mobility.

2. Chamomile

An infusion of chamomile should always be in your home. This medicinal plant has a relaxing effect on the digestive system and people usually drink it to calm their nerves, especially when it affects their stomach. In addition to helping with gas bloating, this plant is also an effective treatment for:

  • diarrhea
  • indigestion
  • nausea and vomiting
  • colic in children

Since ancient times, people have used chamomile to treat gastrointestinal ailments thanks to its carminative, antispasmodic and sedative properties for the digestive system.

You can drink it as an infusion or use it as an essential oil. Do not ingest the essential oil. Instead, you should dilute it with vegetable oil and use it to massage the affected abdomen.

3. Ceylon Cinnamon

Use cinnamon to improve digestion and prevent gas, either as an infusion or as a spice in your dishes. Of all the varieties of cinnamon, we want to highlight cinnamomum verum, also known as true cinnamon or ceylon cinnamon tree.

This is because it interests us most from a medicinal point of view. This aromatic spice is distinguished for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial and blood glucose lowering properties.

Cinnamon stands out as a powerful digestive remedy thanks to all its virtues. In fact, it is very effective to prevent and relieve flatulence and indigestion. It also promotes proper liver function and may even prevent the appearance of parasites in the gut.

How should you take it?

Cinnamon has the great advantage that you can use it as a seasoning in a wide variety of dishes, both sweet and savory. We recommend experimenting with it by adding it to your dishes and even your stews to enhance the flavor. It is an excellent touch in all your desserts and even in your cup of coffee!

4. Ginger

Finally, we would like to mention a wonderful product that originated in Asia and is now quite popular all over the world. Ginger is distinguished by its intense, spicy and refreshing taste and is often used in a variety of dishes. However, it is also a great remedy for various types of ailments.

The ginger root can help relieve gas in the stomach at the digestive level. It is also effective in treating diarrhea and preventing stomach ulcers.

  • You can consume it fresh or dry.
  • It can be drunk as an infusion or mixed with juice.
  • You can even take it as a supplement.

Now you know the digestive properties of these wonderful medicinal plants that can help you prevent and relieve flatulence. Always keep them in your pantry so you have them on hand whenever you need to ease your digestion and improve your quality of life.

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