Good Nutrients For Blood Circulation In Your Legs

It is very important to limit your salt intake as much as possible in order to improve your blood circulation. To add flavor to your meals, you can replace salt with aromatic herbs.
Good nutrients for blood circulation in your legs

Poor circulation in your legs can cause blood and fluid to build up in the calves and ankles. This is a daily reality for many women and can also be a source of pain.

It is a condition that often has a hereditary component or is caused by a sedentary lifestyle or a poor diet.

When the veins in your legs lose their elasticity, the valves no longer close enough, causing blood to build up in the veins. This can lead to the development of painful engorgement or varicose veins.

Do you want to improve the blood circulation in your legs to relieve the pain and make your life a lot easier? This is very simple.

If you exercise every day and add some of the following nutrients to your diet, you may notice improvement. To be on the safe side, you might want to visit your doctor first.

Discover these nutrients for blood circulation in your legs

1. Nutrients Rich in Vitamin C


A mistake many people make is not getting enough vitamin C or just buying processed fruit juices in the store and assuming that they provide them with the necessary vitamins.

Instead, opt for fresh fruits and juice. This way you can be sure that you get all the vitamins and minerals that the fruit has to offer and thus improve the circulation in your legs. The following fruits are very rich in vitamin C:

  • Oranges
  • lemons
  • papaya

2. Ginger


This miraculous root has a long tradition in natural medicine.

Who knows, you may already be using other therapeutic and pharmaceutical treatments to improve circulation in your legs, but adding a regular use of ginger may give you even better results.

We don’t mean that you can simply replace all other treatments with ginger, but it is a good extra supplement.

3. Pumpkin seeds

pumpkin seeds

When preparing pumpkin, never throw away the seeds or kernels. Sometimes you are not fully aware of the incredible benefits such a small seed or seed can have on your health.

Pumpkin seeds are a natural source of vitamin E, which is said to be vital for healthy tissue production and the elasticity of your veins and arteries.

Besides the fact that pumpkin seeds may promote better circulation, they can also help you prevent blood clots. So don’t hesitate to prepare pumpkin seeds the way you prefer.

4. Watermelon


Watermelon is refreshing, diuretic and contains a good amount of lycopene. This is an antioxidant that can also be found in tomatoes. It would help your heart pump your blood to the ends of your body, including your legs.

So, thanks to lycopene’s power to fight inflammation and fluid retention, watermelon may help prevent blood clots and the appearance of varicose veins.

Apparently, watermelon can even make varicose veins less noticeable.

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