Grow Your Own Carrots At Home

To grow carrots yourself at home, save the top part of a few carrots and let them germinate in a little water. You can then plant these roots in a pot.
Grow your own carrots at home

Maybe you don’t have that much space at home or for some other reason you don’t have the opportunity to make your own vegetable garden to grow carrots, tomatoes, onions and other products.

Don’t worry though. In the absence of facilities, people always become very resourceful. A lack of facilities does not mean that we should immediately throw the attempt to eat healthier. We can still enjoy planting, growing and harvesting our own crops.

In this article we therefore explain how you can grow carrots at home without seeds or a piece of soil in your garden. A small balcony or terrace is enough and then only a little soil and a nice pot and a lot of love for your plants.

Are you ready for it?

Learn how to easily grow carrots at home

Growing carrots

The advantage of carrots is that you can grow them all year round and they don’t require much care. They grow very fast. This is not only very satisfying, but also fun to share with your kids.

Urban gardens are very popular these days and many people have already transformed their balconies into a small vegetable garden, which is not only useful in the kitchen, but also to reduce stress. Maintaining your own vegetable garden is entertaining and ensures that you can use organically grown products.

  • Carrots are rich in carotene, an antioxidant that contains pro-vitamins important for overall health.
  • In addition, remember that this vegetable also contains a significant amount of potassium, vitamin E and B vitamins.
  • The roots grown in urban gardens are often slightly smaller, making them ideal for salads.

Then we will now tell you how to grow carrots yourself at home without sowing seeds.


carrot tops
  • 5 carrots
  • A flower box of thirty centimeters high and fifty centimeters wide
  • Fill the container with fertilized potting soil
  • Liquid Fertilizer


  • The first thing you do is pick a few carrots and cut the top part off.
  • This step is very simple. The next time you eat carrots for dinner, just don’t forget to keep the top part of it instead of throwing it away as usual.
  • Place these carrot pieces in a container of water (as shown in the image above) to germinate.
  • Once those roots have sprouted, you can transplant them into a container or pot.
  • Don’t forget to also put small stones or gravel in the pot so that the water can drain well.
  • You can grow carrots all year round.
  • They love the sun, so don’t be afraid to leave the pot outside all day.
  • You can give them a little water, but no more than once or twice a week. Don’t forget to add a little liquid fertilizer to the water as well. This will only make your roots stronger and healthier.

The harvest

Germinated Carrots

How do you know when the roots in your container or pot are ready to be harvested? Well, they take about two weeks to grow. That’s why you only need to take good care of the roots for two weeks and wait until the plants are about five to eight centimeters high.

It is possible that the roots do not have the elegant long shape that you are used to, but that they are just a bit round and funny shaped. Growing your own carrots is definitely an experience worth trying.

Don’t hesitate to grow carrots.

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