How To Correct Bad Posture

How to correct bad posture

Often people have a posture that not only looks bad, but also causes muscle problems. Poor posture can also have worse consequences, such as spinal problems. 

Such consequences require a lot of therapy and help from experts to disappear. For example, poor posture may include shoulders and head bent forward. As you already know, this causes a lot of pain. The pain starts off slow and tolerable, but gets worse every day.

When you want to adjust your posture, it is necessary to do some exercises, such as  strength training to strengthen the weak muscles and stretching tense zones.

In this article, we are going to discuss some exercises that can help you correct your posture completely.

You should of course start by warming up your muscles. You can do this by jogging for 10 minutes, for example, without stopping. Then do one of the exercises below to improve your posture.

Exercise #1 Against Bad Posture

Exercises with a fitness ball

Lie face down on a comfortable but completely flat surface. This exercise focuses on correcting bent shoulders. Then you will move the lower part of your body, including your arms, up.

Try to go as high as possible without crossing your limit. Normally this should be able to happen in one smooth motion. Then press your shoulder blades together and try to hold that position for at least three seconds. Then inhale and lie flat on the floor again. Repeat 15 to 20 times.

Then lie on your back and raise your legs straight up. Press your back against the floor. This exercise will increase the strength of your abs and pelvis.

Then lower your legs without them touching the ground. Try to go as low as possible. When you can’t go any further, hold the position for about 3 seconds, after which you raise your legs again. Do this 10 to 15 times.

Lie on your back again, place a fitness ball between your thighs, then squeeze them together as hard as you can. Hold this pose for about five seconds. Repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times.

Exercise #2

Stretching the legs

This is another posture correcting exercise: Lie on your back and bend your knees. Bring your knees up to your chest as slowly as you can. Do this very carefully or you may hurt yourself. The purpose of this exercise is to lengthen your back. Hold this pose for 20 seconds and then repeat 5 times.

Exercise #3

Stretching hamstrings with a fitness ball

For the next exercise you will need another fitness ball:  sit on top of it with a straight spine. Place your legs in a V position. Then gently lean forward until you feel your hamstrings stretch. Try to hold the pose for 30 seconds.

Exercise #4


Another exercise is this: stand in front of a door and place your right arm on the door. Your arm should bend at the elbow, creating a right angle.

Then place your left foot forward and turn to the left until you feel your right pectoral muscle stretch. Then turn and switch arms and feet to stretch the left side in the same way.

To conclude, we recommend that you always stand and sit with your back straight. It is important to spend as much time as possible with your abs tensed and your hips in the correct position, without any kind of pressure. Your shoulders and neck should always be bent back.

Once you lean forward, your posture will suffer and be much harder to correct. Be aware of your posture when sitting, especially when sitting in front of a computer or other mobile device.

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