How To Get Long And Profuse Eyelashes?

Excessive use of mascara and eyelash curlers leads to weakening and possible loss of the eyelashes. So, to promote thick and abundant lashes, you need to take good care of your lashes on a daily basis.
How do you get long and abundant eyelashes?

Some people say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. For women, a charming glance framed by lavish eyelashes is certainly part of a common beauty ideal.

There are many products for sale that are specially made for this purpose, such as:

  • dyes
  • extensions
  • mascara
  • curling irons

These, and many other things, pretend to be allies for abundant lashes. However, many of these products are actually the enemies of profuse lashes.

With this in mind, today we would like to give you some simple and cost-effective tips and recommendations for getting luscious lashes.

Plus, we’ll show you some of the ways your lashes will look beautiful, by enhancing their natural look. Grab your paper and pen and get ready for a striking new look in just a few weeks!

How can I get abundant eyelashes?

Woman with long abundant eyelashes

Brush them every day

Make it a habit to brush your lashes daily as this will encourage growth. In addition, it improves blood circulation, which will make your eyelashes grow.

Of course, you have to stay disciplined and committed to doing this because you won’t have an abundance of lashes all at once.

To start this new routine, all you need is an eyelash brush. Don’t worry about finding a top-of-the-line, expensive brush at a beauty supply store. The brush from a mascara that you no longer use will also work fine.

However, remove the mascara with soap and water before using it and it will be as good as new. Also, don’t forget to do this on clean lashes that are free of mascara, otherwise you could damage them. Repeat this every night.

Use extra virgin olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil has many beauty benefits. Just a few drops of this will make your hair brighter and healthier. However, did you know that it also promotes the growth of the eyelashes?

The reason for this is simple, extra virgin olive oil helps to cleanse the hair follicles of the eyelashes. This way they will grow more easily and more abundantly. In addition , the oil strengthens them and reduces the chances of breaking and falling out.

  • You can apply it with your clean fingers, or with a bit of cotton, or – even better – with a clean brush. One drop should be enough, but use more if needed.
  • Then rub or brush your lashes from the root of the lashes to the tip. Do this carefully, the oil should not get into your eyes.
  • Repeat this procedure every night.

Apply chamomile

Chamomile is a plant that provides our body with many benefits. It can relieve pain or inflammation and cosmetically it can even strengthen your hair.

To reap the benefits of this beautiful flower, all you need to do is apply chamomile tea to the area around the eyelids and eyelashes.

  • For optimal benefits, avoid using prepackaged tea bags. Make the infusion with fresh chamomile if you can find it.
  • Make this a daily habit and you will see results in no time.

Eat foods rich in keratin

Food pyramid

Of course you know that what you eat is reflected in your appearance. So the healthier you eat, the healthier your lashes. Keratin is a fibrous structural protein, which is part of the top layer of the skin. It supplies nutrients to the skin. These are good for the hair and nails and of course also for your eyelashes.

Increase your consumption of foods that contain keratin or promote keratin production. We have described the best foods for this purpose below.

Foods with a high sulfur content

These are products such as:

  • meat
  • Eggs
  • beans
  • vegetables such as onions, kale, asparagus and Brussels sprouts

Foods rich in protein

These include:

  • red meat, fish and chicken
  • Eggs
  • milk and yogurt
  • beans
  • nuts
  • Quinoa

Biotin rich foods

These are foods such as:

  • nuts
  • beans
  • whole grains
  • Cauliflower
  • mushrooms
  • boiled eggs (especially the yolk)

Keep in mind, however, that this substance is water-soluble and can be lost if you boil it in water, or other cooking methods that put it in direct contact with water.

Good dietary sources of vitamin A

Good dietary sources of vitamin A include products such as:

  • pumpkin and butternut squash
  • sweet potatoes
  • raw carrots
  • cantaloupe, peaches
  • cooked spinach
  • Kale

Medium with vitamin E, coconut oil and almond oil

Woman applies mascara on lashes

To nourish your lashes and promote abundant growth, you can also use certain natural blends. The mix we present here is made with vitamin E, coconut and almond oil.


  • 3 soft vitamin E capsules
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon almond oil


  • First, put the contents of three soft capsules of vitamin E, the coconut oil and the almond oil in a small container or bowl.
  • Mix it well and then apply it on your lids and eyelashes.
  • Then repeat this procedure daily or at least four times a week.
  • Finally, avoid contact with the inside of your eyes and try not to rub the area too hard.

The daily use of this remedy will help you to get abundant and strong eyelashes in a short time.

How do you prevent fragile eyelashes?

  • First, don’t sleep with makeup on, especially if you’ve been using mascara.
  • Also, don’t use too much mascara, as every part of your body should be able to breathe freely, including your eyelashes.
  • When removing your makeup or washing your face, don’t rub your eyes too hard.
  • In addition, avoid using an eyelash curler. These weaken and break the lashes.

By following these simple recommendations, you will notice a change within a few weeks. So using mascara and extensions, and spending a lot of extra money will not be necessary. Rather reserve it for special occasions.

The best look for your lashes is a natural look, which is free of products that weaken and damage them.

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