How To Treat Sciatica And Low Back Pain?

There is a psychological theory that says that this type of pain arises as a result of unresolved emotional problems.
How to treat sciatica and low back pain?

There are two similar conditions that cause back pain and lack of mobility in the spine. More and more people are experiencing this. All too often the cause is an injury or sitting for a long time without moving.

Learn more about how to treat sciatica and low back pain in the following article .

Sciatica: what you need to know

Irritation of the sciatic nerve, more commonly known as sciatica, causes lower back pain. Then this pain spreads further down the back of the legs and can even go down to the toes.

It is one of the most common problems in adults and more specifically in middle-aged men who have had sedentary careers. The pain can last for days, weeks and even years and severely restricts the range of motion.

Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve is put under pressure from a wrong movement, lifting heavy objects, or simply by holding the spine in the same position for a long time. The nerve originates in the spinal cord and exits through the vertebrae. He then walks down the back of the leg to the outside of the feet.

The most common causes of sciatica are:

  • Hernia of the intervertebral disc
  • Narrowing of the lumbar canal
  • Piriformis syndrome
  • Fractions
  • tumors
  • Paget’s disease
  • Pregnancy

Some of the possible symptoms include:

  • Pain that varies in intensity with movement.
  • Inability to move freely. Examples include: difficulty getting out of bed, tying shoes, or lifting things off the floor.
  • Changes in skin sensitivity.
  • muscle weakness.
  • Decreased reflexes.
  • Walking lame.

Low back pain: what you need to know

The majority of people have experienced low back pain at some point. It is also sometimes called lumbar pain, because the pain occurs in the so-called lumbar region of the spine, between the ribs and the pelvis.

It is the most common cause of disability in people between the ages of 20 and 45 and increases in intensity with age. The spine is made up of several bones (vertebrae), which are separated from each other by intervertebral discs, which soften the movement. The vertebrae are also covered with a thin layer of cartilage and are held in place by muscles and ligaments.

The lumbar region is the lower part of the spine and consists of five vertebrae, which connect the upper part of the body to the pelvis and legs. It allows us to move, turn, bend, lean and give us the strength to stand, walk and run. However, when you suffer from low back pain, all these movements will be painful.

There are two types of low back pain: specific and non-specific. With specific low back pain, the cause of the pain is known. This applies to 20% of the cases.

Things that can cause the pain include osteoarthritis (degenerative arthritis), osteoporosis, disc herniation, and spinal stenosis. However, in 80% of cases we speak of non-specific low back pain, which means that the exact cause is not known. Factors that can cause the pain include lifting heavy weights, stress, poor posture, psychological factors, etc.

Another classification of low back pain is based on how long the pain lasts: acute (less than 7 days), subacute (7 days to 7 weeks), and chronic (longer than 7 weeks).

Lower back pain

How can I treat sciatica and low back pain?

According to traditional Chinese medicine, sciatica and low back pain also affect the kidneys and bladder and are the result of the excessive consumption of meat, spicy food, alcohol etc. There is also a psychological theory that sees low back pain as a result of unresolved emotional problems (job loss, divorce, poverty, etc.)

In addition to determining the cause in your back and legs, it is also good that you know some treatments and solutions for the problem. The most natural and effective are:


Mix equal amounts of almond oil or hypericum essential oil and arnica or rosemary extract in a bowl. Massage this mixture from your feet, across your legs, to your lower back. It will relax and warm up the body.

To make it even more effective, you can continue the massage all over the body (focus on shoulders and neck).


In case the pain is caused by emotional or psychological problems, consult a therapist. This will reduce the pain, because the patient will be able to talk about his or her problems, traumas and fears.



Certain exercises such as yoga, tai chi, swimming, Pilates, or water aerobics can help improve low back pain. It is recommended to do the exercises until your body starts to get tired. So don’t force yourself too much and don’t forget to warm up and stretch.

Stay active

Avoid sleeping too much or sitting in the same position for too long. When you are at work, for example, it is recommended to occasionally stand up and take a walk.

Apply heat

If you don’t have anyone available to give you a massage or if you don’t have the money to pay a therapist, you can also apply an electric heat pad to the painful area for half an hour while watching TV, reading, or talking on the phone.

We hope you enjoyed this article on how to treat sciatica and low back pain!

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