Improving Your Circulation With Turmeric

The beneficial properties of turmeric can improve your circulation in a natural and effective way. However, are you already under medical treatment? Talk to your doctor before adjusting your treatment or starting a new one!
Improve your circulation with turmeric

The circulatory system is one of the most important bodily functions. It is essential for maintaining good health. It ensures the transport of all nutrients, minerals and oxygen to the different parts of the body.  You can improve your circulation with turmeric. Read on to find out how that works!

Several factors, such as age and whether or not you have an active lifestyle, can affect circulation. In addition, certain medical conditions can also have an influence, such as:

  • pregnancy
  • high bloodpressure
  • nervous system disorders
  • anemia
  • food allergies

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to improve your circulation. For example, by making lifestyle changes, following a healthy diet, or applying certain home remedies.

Attention: if you have a circulatory disorder or any other disease related to the circulatory system, consult your doctor first!

Turmeric, a natural remedy with many good properties

Turmeric is a great spice with many preventive and healing properties. Besides the fact that you can improve your circulation with turmeric, this spice is also loved by many for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, cleansing and detoxifying effect. The benefits of Turmeric at a glance:

  • Relieving:
    • chronic and acute pain caused by inflammatory diseases
    • diarrhea
    • a sore throat
  • Reducing:
    • inflammation of the skin and gums
    • problems with constipation and digestion
    • swellings
    • nausea
    • the risk of diabetes
    • the risk of elevated cholesterol levels
  • Fighting:
    • reflux from the stomach
    • loss of cognitive functions in Alzheimer’s disease
    • bacteria that cause stomach ulcers
  • Protecting:
    • the mucous membrane that surrounds the stomach
  • Promoting:
    • the cleansing of the blood and organs (e.g. the gallbladder and liver) and of the whole body
    • the general circulation
    • a strong immune system

Improve your circulation with turmeric

Circulatory system

Poor circulation can affect your entire body. Unfortunately, it can eventually lead to a host of health problems. Problems or discomforts that can arise from poor circulation include:

  • numbness or a tingling sensation in parts of the body
  • cold hands and feet
  • fatigue and dizziness
  • hair loss and dry skin
  • swelling or edema
  • headaches
  • muscle cramps
  • sore legs
  • cardiac arrhythmias

Fortunately, there is turmeric: a natural and effective means to improve circulation. Not only is it a great source of antioxidants, it also boosts circulation.

Turmeric is an ingredient that is used in various types of dishes. It is also the most important part of a home remedy called ‘golden milk’. This ‘golden milk’ is a potent and beneficial drink that benefits your overall health.

Below we give you the recipe for this amazing drink. It is a mix of turmeric paste and pepper, with a warm vegetarian milk. It is without a doubt the best recipe with turmeric to improve your circulation.

Ingredients of the turmeric paste

  • 30 grams of turmeric powder
  • 2.5 grams ground pepper
  • 125 ml filtered water

Preparation method of the turmeric paste

  • First, put all the ingredients together in a frying pan.
  • In order for the turmeric and curcumin to be absorbed by your body and to increase their effects, you need pepper. The piperine of the pepper activates the curcumin in the turmeric. In addition, it enhances its effect. It is therefore essential to add pepper to the recipe.
  • Then heat the mixture over low heat for several minutes, until a thick paste has formed.
  • Finally, let the mixture cool and then put it in the fridge.

Ingredients of the ‘golden milk’

  • 250 ml vegetarian milk (use whatever you like best, for example almond milk, rice milk or coconut milk).
  • 8 grams of turmeric paste
  • 7.5 grams of honey

Preparation method of the ‘golden milk’

  • First, heat all ingredients, except the honey, in a pan.  Make sure to stir frequently so that all the ingredients dissolve without the mixture boiling.
  • Then add the honey.
  • Finally, enjoy a glass of this delicious drink every morning!

Turmeric has endless benefits. However, always be careful if you want to consume it. Extra caution is advised if you are already under medical treatment! In that case, it is advisable to consult your doctor first.

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