It Is True That Prunes Contribute To Our Health

Prunes are mainly used as a laxative. They contain a lot of fiber and sorbitol, although they are also known for their high energy value.
It is true that prunes contribute to our health

One speaks of dried plums when they have lost most of their water. This leaves a dried out piece of fruit that is wrinkled and black. But appearances can be deceiving: in this article it becomes clear that prunes contribute to our health.

Although they may not look immediately appetizing, it is a sweet type of fruit. This is why they are widely used in recipes and baked goods.

How plums contribute to our health

This small fruit contains many nutrients such as:

  • Fiber
  • Vitamins (E, folic acid, K and C)
  • sorbitol

It is precisely these components that provide fantastic benefits for our body and that plums contribute to our health. Below we list some of these advantages.

Prunes as a natural laxative

The first way that prunes contribute to our health is by stimulating our digestive system. This laxative effect of prunes is perhaps its best-known property, and it is due to the amounts of fiber and sorbitol in prunes.

Sorbitol causes a laxative action that stimulates bowel movement. This is why it is a good remedy for constipation.

It is especially ideal for women. Their intestinal tract is more likely to become clogged.

  • Eating eight prunes is sufficient and easier to eat than fresh prunes. You can also drink a glass of prune juice. Prune juice has the same effect as the raw fruit and is easier to take.

You can make prune juice in the following way:


  • Eight dried plums
  • Four cups of water
  • One or two tablespoons of honey
A constipated gut feels like a knot in your stomach


  • Place the plums in the water and let them soak overnight.
  • The next morning, place them in the blender and make sure they become liquid by blending them for one or two minutes.
  • After this, you can add more water if you want, and add one or two tablespoons of honey to taste to make it sweeter.

Plums as a natural energy source

Plums are also fantastic for athletes, because they are a good natural source of energy. The pulp contains a lot of concentrated sugar.

You can eat them as a snack when you feel tired, mentally or physically.

Antioxidant mask for the skin

Wrinkles disappear when eating plums

Plums contain a lot of vitamin E, which is good for the skin and prevents wrinkles.

  • Eating a few plums a day provides enough antioxidants to care for the skin. In addition, a plum-based mask complements your skin care routine well.

Below we give an example of a face mask:


  • Two or three plums
  • Milk (if needed)


  • Mix two or three plums with a little bit of milk to make a creamy liquid.
  • Gently apply the cream to your face with cotton balls and let it sit for 15 minutes.
  • Wash your face with warm water.

This mask will help you get rid of pimples, wrinkles and blemishes and reduce the effects of oily skin.

To lose weight

Fresh plums are high in fiber and low in calories. This, combined with the laxative effect, makes prunes the ideal food for weight loss.

When you eat plums, you quickly feel full. This way you avoid consuming too many calories or eating too many carbohydrates.

In addition, they help to cleanse the body and digest sugars and fats more effectively.


Eat about 100 grams of fresh plums every day for two weeks. This will positively influence weight loss.

Cavities and gum disease

Oral care with toothpaste, mouthwash and dental visit

Bacteria and germs easily enter the mouth.

In addition to brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth, there are certain foods that can prevent cavities and other ailments such as gum disease.

Prunes stop the growth of cavities and the growth of bacteria thanks to a triterpenoid compound that protects the teeth.

All these reasons make it clear that prunes should be included in your diet. They protect the body, clean the mouth and contribute to skin care.


Plums are fantastic, but you shouldn’t eat them too much.

It is best to consult a dietitian, as every person is different and may react differently to dietary changes.

Eating too many prunes can cause the following side effects:

  • Diarrhea
  • Too high blood sugars
  • swellings
  • You become dependent on laxatives

So, remember: While prunes contribute to our health, they can also be harmful if we eat too much of them.

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