It’s Insincere Love If You Have To Ask For It

We want to make it clear that you yourself are the only person who is completely essential to your happiness. If you are confident and respect yourself, it will be much harder for others to hurt you.
It's insincere love if you have to ask for it

Never sacrifice your self-esteem for insincere love.  If someone is unable to see how important you are and ignores, abandons and disrespects you, don’t go begging for their attention and love. This love will not be real or sincere anyway.

Do not bite the poisonous apple of indifferent love;  this will be very expensive for you.

If you’re “asking too much,” it’s only because you know what you want and how important it is to you. You must be the first to value your thoughts, opinions, desires, and behavior. You need to keep your distance from people who compromise the emotional balance we all crave.


You never have to beg for love

Begging for love means asking for something that doesn’t actually exist outside of your own mind. All that begging produces is a lack of self-esteem, a hindrance to your emotional development, and the pain you feel when you lose your dignity.

When we love someone, we automatically want to take care of them and avoid heartache. Our emotional reflexes cause us to create circumstances that make us feel like we deserve to be loved, to nurture emotions and feelings that promote harmony, sincerity, and affection.

If you don’t handle insincere love well, you will eventually come to believe in the feeling it gives you. You will come to believe that you do not deserve that person’s attention and affection. You end up believing that one-sided relationships are completely normal.


No one can make you unhappy without your permission

The most powerful weapon against emotional injustice and indifference is self-determination. Self-determination should be accompanied by a healthy sense of self-esteem, self-knowledge and reflecting on your own feelings, desires and behavior, as well as the behavior of others.

However, the process we become involved in in these circumstances speaks to our lack of dignity. What doesn’t seem to dawn on us is that we shouldn’t chase people who don’t deserve us.

If you look at it that way, we need to learn how to apply some successful strategies to get over the pain that insincere love causes. Let’s look at some common situations:

  • The pain of insincere love is a cruel process that fosters a painful stage of preview. We generally know that ‘something isn’t right’, but we don’t want to speak out or take off our emotional blindfold.
  • We ignore the inconvenience and avoid it. We hold on to the belief that this emotional problem will naturally resolve itself.
  • When we surrender ourselves to the discomfort, there comes a point where the discomfort becomes too much to bear and we are forced to face the situation before we become completely overwhelmed.
  • However, what happens when we fight our own feelings? The focus keeps us in check and the fight turns into an endless struggle that only stretches our suffering.
  • You often hear people say that you should ’embrace the pain’,  but in reality it is neither positive to ignore the pain nor to embrace it.

The power to walk away

What you really need to deal with the pain of insincere love is the strength to walk away from it and understand that it just hurts. Because what we really want is for someone to love us, when that person probably doesn’t even care or love us.

To get over the pain, our next step should be to put a solution into practice.

What is the appropriate solution? Convincing ourselves that if we can’t get the appreciation we aspire to naturally, it will be even harder to try to earn it. The right decision is to distance yourself from this person.

Only then can we be sure that we can put the pain behind us.

To end the suffering associated with insincere love, we must first understand and accept this pain. It’s perfectly normal to mourn the loss of something you wanted so badly. 

We recommend: Anna Karenina syndrome: victims of love

Love yourself and value yourself: nurture your relationships with confidence

While every emotional situation is complicated, there is a solution for every kind of suffering. Real change is only possible if we are willing to work for it and face painful situations.

So let it be clear that you yourself are the first person to spend your time with. After that you are able to see and appreciate who makes you feel good and who doesn’t.

To cut

Don’t beg for attention, let alone love. Not with anyone. Because when someone loves you, he/she will make this known on his/her own.

Remember that emotional injustice plays an important role in developing our self-esteem. It helps us to examine our desires, values ​​and needs.

Don’t keep calling someone who doesn’t want to answer your calls. Stop looking and give him/her a chance to find you. Stop thinking about the people who only feel like popping up in your life every now and then.

You know, the people who are just trying to keep up appearances. People who will only make you feel good if there are other people around to see this.

Don’t forget to explore the reasons that made you want to commit yourself to this person in the first place. What made you feel the need to beg for his love and attention? Go back to the source and begin your inner transformation.

insincere love

It is essential to maintain your self-confidence and not beg for love anymore, because love is shown and felt.  You should never ask for love. Your attention and affection are far too valuable to be wasted on someone who doesn’t deserve you.

Dedicate yourself to the people who love you unconditionally and understand you.

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