It’s Not About Being Equals, It’s About Being A Team

Two people in a relationship should complement each other. Although you may have different tastes, sometimes it is necessary to make compromises in order to form a good team.
It's not about being equals, it's about being a team

Some people spend their whole lives looking for their soul mate. Someone who has the same tastes, passions and habits as she does. In reality, though, it’s important that you and your partner just make a good team together.

It doesn’t matter if your partner prefers to sit at home on the couch while you like to go out. It doesn’t matter if you like to exercise while your partner prefers to watch a romantic movie together on the couch. What is especially important is that you respect each other, that you can come to agreements and that you give each other the opportunity to learn from each other. In short, that you make a good team together.

Being a good couple doesn’t mean you have to agree on everything all the time. Nor does it mean that your heartbeats are the same and you view the world through the same pair of eyes. Being a good couple means knowing how to make the most of the beautiful contrasts between you two so that something beautiful and lasting can come out of it.

In this article we explain what is important in a relationship to form a good team with each other. The best team.

Despite the differences we are a good team together

Don’t get desperate when you find out that you and your partner like completely different things. You don’t have to like the same books, movies, or meals at all.

What you should be concerned about, however, is if the two of you can’t come to an agreement. When you are unable to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and you just want to force your own opinion on your partner and push your own decisions.

Let’s dig a little deeper into this topic.

What is most important are your values

It doesn’t really matter if you don’t agree on political issues or even if your personalities are completely different in order to form a good team. Introverts can have very good relationships with extroverts and vice versa.

However, in one aspect it is important to create harmony and that is your values.

  • Your values ​​determine whether you both have the same idea of ​​what a loving relationship is. This also applies to what forming a family means.
  • By having the same value system as each other, you can better respect each other and better understand the differences between you. In addition, this will enable you to consider or learn from your mate’s point of view.

Thinking differently doesn’t mean you experience things differently

If your partner likes cats and you’re more of a dog person, it doesn’t mean he loves you less because of it. If your partner is vegetarian, it doesn’t mean that he will be disgusted by you if you eat a piece of meat.

  • Thinking otherwise doesn’t mean you love each other less. It means you respect each other and allow each other freedom, especially the freedom to be yourself.
  • One thing you should remember, however, is that your partner never has the right to change your way of thinking or to impose his tastes, ideals or passions on you.
  • In order to be able to form a team together, it is important that every team member understands that without respect there can be no alliance. If you cannot understand the differences between you in that way, there is little chance of forming a true unity.

The differences between you are enriching

  • Your professional lives will make you both move in different circles and spend your days in different environments. In the evening, however, you both come home and lower your shields. Only that which is truly sincere remains: two people who love each other.
  • Yes, there are differences between you, you are both going in different directions. But you still love to tell how your day was. You love to learn from each other and see each other’s perspective.
  • It doesn’t matter if there are certain aspects that you can never agree on. It’s possible that your partner will never give in to your desire to buy a house in the countryside, but in return he will be willing to go out every weekend.
The differences are enriching

You know how to agree

To be a good team it is important to know how you can come to agreements. In addition, in order to achieve shared goals together, it is also important that you are able to communicate well with each other.

Listen with respect and interest: listen to understand, not just to respond.

  • Try to put yourself in the perspective of the other person. We all have our own opinions on certain things, but it’s important to empathize. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes so you can  better understand how he feels and what he stands for.
  • Giving in isn’t the same as losing: it just means trying new possibilities. In order to form a good team together, it is important to be very clear about one thing: nobody should be the winner and nobody should be the loser.
  • To achieve these kinds of daily victories it is necessary to give up something almost every time.
  • Sometimes you give a little and get something in return that you didn’t expect at all. Something that is enriching for both of you.

It is worth remembering this. The best couples are those in which both partners are like-minded people who share the same values and who harmonize the differences between them by communicating and respecting each other. Because together they make a good team.

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