Learn All About The Different Types Of Insomnia

To tackle insomnia, it is important to consider the factors that can cause it. Read this article to learn all about the different types of insomnia.
Learn all about the different types of insomnia

If you can’t sleep despite being tired, you probably have insomnia. Insomnia is one of the most common sleep disorders. This condition consists of a decreased ability to sleep. It can manifest itself in different ways, resulting in different types of insomnia. In this article you will learn all about it.

Different types of insomnia

A woman looks desperately at the alarm clock

Overall, doctors classify insomnia as described below, depending on what causes it.

1. Primary

This is when the patient’s insomnia has no obvious cause. In total, about 10% of the population suffers from this condition. Also, this type of insomnia can be divided into several types, depending on the form and source of the problem:

  • Idiopathic insomnia. This one has its origins in childhood. Mostly it is related to bad sleeping habits.
  • Psychophysiological Insomnia. This kind is characterized by a lot of anxiety or stress, associated with the onset of sleep. They are very concerned about their sleeping problem and go to great lengths to try to sleep every night.

2. Secondary or Comorbid Insomnia

This means that the patient’s insomnia has a clear cause. In addition to its treatment, the medical experts must consider the cause, other conditions that the patient suffers from, as well as their consequences.

Types of insomnia by their duration

1. Transient Insomnia

A man rubs his eyes with fatigue

Transient insomnia lasts less than a month. It is the most common form, in all walks of life. It is often due to certain stress factors.

Some of these factors are sudden changes in schedule and problems with family or work, or personal problems. Usually, when the source of the stress disappears, a person begins to sleep normally again.

2. Short-term or acute insomnia

This insomnia lasts from one to three months. Sometimes it has to do with stressful life events. Due to the situations that cause it, the insomnia lasts longer.

These causes include the loss of a loved one, a breakup, or a serious illness. In addition, the affected person is likely to be dealing with other problems such as anxiety, stress, and mood swings.

3. Chronic Insomnia

In this case, the affected person has long-term problems falling asleep or staying asleep. This situation affects their daytime functioning.

In general, people who suffer from this have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep more than three times a week. This affects their functioning and lasts for at least three months. Unfortunately, people who suffer from this don’t just get too little sleep. They also usually have emotional, mental and physical problems during the day.

Types of Insomnia According to Symptoms

A man falls asleep at work

1. Sleep-onset insomnia

This usually happens when people simply have trouble falling asleep after going to bed. This type of insomnia is more common in young people.

In addition, it is usually associated with medical problems, drug abuse, or psychological or psychiatric problems. These include anxiety disorders, among others.

2. Sleep maintenance insomnia

This type of insomnia means that people are unable to stay asleep and stay asleep. People who suffer from it wake up several times during the night. They may also lie awake for a long time, unable to fall back asleep.

3. Terminal Insomnia

Finally, terminal insomnia occurs in the morning. This causes a person to wake up very early. Normally, the affected person wakes up at least two hours earlier than usual and then does not fall back to sleep. Often terminal insomnia is accompanied by a major depressive disorder.


To combat insomnia, it is important to consider the factors that cause the insomnia. It may be necessary to change inappropriate behavior and habits. You also need to deal with the annoying thoughts that occupy your mind and reduce your stress. Therapy can be very helpful in this case.

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