Learn How To Clean Your Shoes

Shoes are an essential part of everyone’s outfit. In this article, we’ll share some secrets to help you clean your shoes.
Learn how to clean your shoes

Taking care of your shoes is what makes them last for several years. Do you want to know how to clean your shoes?

Here are some tips so you can learn to clean any type of shoe.

How to clean your shoes

1. Leather shoes

People who own these types of shoes always wonder about the best way to take care of them. Leather shoes are a favorite of many people. This is why it is important to know how to take care of them.

  • The first step of this cleaning process is to clean the laces and gently brush the shoes. In this way you remove the dirt particles that hinder the cleaning method.
  • Then pour two cups of room temperature water into a container and add a significant amount of neutral detergent.
  • Then clean your shoes with this mixture with a slightly damp cloth.
  • Finally, rinse a cloth with water and use it to clean the shoes.
  • Then dry your shoes with a dry cloth.
  • You can also polish your shoes to make them shiny and look like new.

2. Suede shoes

man uses spray on suede shoes

People definitely have a hard time when it comes to suede because they don’t know how to clean these shoes. This material looks great, but cleaning suede shoes can be tricky if you don’t have the right information.

Suede shoes require daily brushing.

It is important to do this with a soft brush and always in the same direction. Also, suede protectors are very effective in keeping these shoes in good condition.

  • To remove deeper dirt, you can use the same brush to brush a little harder.
  • If they are stained with mud, a good trick is to put them in the sun until they are dry and then scrub them with a towel or suede brush.
  • Is there a stain that won’t go away? Try using an eraser on it. This trick usually works. There is also a more specific option for this: an eraser specially designed for suede.
  • Finally, if they are stained with water, you can wet them completely with a wet cloth. Then put some paper or other material in the shoe to keep the shape and let them dry in the sun. Once the moisture is gone, you can clean them using the process we just explained.

3. Canvas shoes

  • First of all , you can use an old toothbrush to remove dust.
  • For the soles that tend to get dirtier, especially on light-colored shoes, you can use a mixture of baking soda and water and a brush.
  • You also have the option to put them in the washing machine and wash them with cold water. If you do, let them dry in the sun so the humidity doesn’t ruin them.

You should also not forget to clean the laces.

  • To clean them, prepare a mixture of two cups of warm water and a teaspoon of dish soap in a container. Soak the laces in this and rinse them with clean water.

You can also use this mixture on the shoes if you apply it with a soft brush.

  • After doing this, rinse them with cold water.
  • Let them drip.
  • Dry them and let them dry with something in the shoes so they don’t lose their shape.

4. Sneakers

We wear these types of shoes a lot, so how can we not name them in this article? When it comes to sneakers, there are many ways to clean your shoes due to their properties.

  • First soak the laces in water with detergent. Then apply the same mixture to a clean cloth and clean your shoes with it.
  • In these cases it is only recommended to use the brush in the white areas.
  • Toothpaste helps you to make your sneakers shine.
  • The last step, as always, is to let them dry in the sun for as long as necessary .

5. Patent shoes

cleaning patent leather shoes

Although these are not the most common types of shoes, we would still like to explain how to clean them.

  • Many recommend using a window cleaner with a dry cloth to clean them.
  • Cotton with Vaseline or furniture polish has been proven effective for stains . Moreover, these products also help to make your shoes shiny again.
  • You can also use vinegar for this purpose, especially if they are very dirty. Moisten the material with this product and scrub gently. Remember, though, that vinegar is an acid.
  • Alcohol is another useful element for removing stains.

You will always find a suitable technique to clean any type of shoe. If you want to keep your shoes looking like new, it’s essential to have basic knowledge so you don’t ruin them.

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