Learn How To Make A Hanging Garden

Hanging gardens are a great way to grow plants in a small space. Learn how to make a hanging garden in this article!
Learn how to make a hanging garden

Growing respect for the environment  has generated a great deal of interest in urban gardens. But some people opt for a hanging garden, this is becoming more and more popular. 

The people who live in the city also want a healthy lifestyle. That is why a hanging garden in your home can provide cleaner air. 

Plants also keep the energy in the house in balance. They absorb the radiation that comes from devices such as computers or the television.

But how do you do this if you have limited space? The answer to this is a hanging garden.

By placing plants at different heights  , you immediately have more space in your home.

With this strategy we solve this problem. But what next? Read on and we’ll give you some tips to get you started.

How to make a hanging garden

What environmental factors do you have?

What environmental factors do you have?

As you may know,  plants need a stable habitat to live. You may like a wide variety of plants, but this may not be right for the space you have in your home.

You should ask yourself the following to discover which plants are suitable.


There are plants that need a lot of sun hours. But  there are also plants that cannot tolerate direct sunlight. 

It is important to consider this factor before choosing the plants.


Many people like bright colored flowers and beautiful shapes. But  the majority of these plants need a warm environment. 

So these are more suitable for the Mediterranean and tropical climates.


The amount of water to give the plant is another important point to remember.

Remember that plants that need more water cost more money in the long run. Plants that need less are cheaper in the long run.

How much time do you have?

How much time do you have?

Time is important. The time a person spends on work while working from home is not comparable to working a full day outside the home.

They all need to be watered and cared for. But some require more time and attention than others. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to make the choices that fit your lifestyle.

If you don’t do this right it can be very frustrating. You will feel like you can’t keep your hanging garden alive.

Are you someone who goes out a lot after work? Then don’t kid yourself and don’t think you’re going to give this up for the plants.

You have certain habits and that is for a reason. Your habits help you to deal with stress, to relax and to lose yourself in it. If you don’t want this to change,  make a real schedule.

Design the hanging garden

Design the hanging garden

When we talk about the design, we are talking about how to hang the plants. Think about what materials you choose and what kind of soil you use.

The characteristics of the design will largely determine these decisions.

Your furniture, the layout of the room, the height of the ceiling… This all plays a role in the design you choose.

On the other hand, you also have to think about the risks. Keep this in mind for watering and, as we said, what your economic resources are.

This way you can choose between a drip system, hydroponics and water mist. To know how to water the plants, you also need to pay attention to  what kind of potting soil you are going to use. This is because its permeability determines how much water you need.

Without a doubt, gardening is a wonderful hobby. In addition, it is very durable. However, it can be a major source of disappointment if you start it without thinking first.

Thinking helps us make better decisions. Then we will have more success in embarking on this adventure. If you follow the advice we have given, there is no doubt that you will achieve it.

However, if you have any concerns or doubts, be sure to ask for advice!

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