Learn How To Make Four Flower Pots With Plastic Bottles

Sometimes the best materials are already at home. Don’t miss the opportunity to make these flower pots from recycled plastic bottles.
Learn how to make four flower pots with plastic bottles

Want to discover some ideas for putting those old unused bottles to good use? In this article we will show you four ideas on how to make flower pots with plastic bottles. Moreover, you only need a few minutes.

We often have a lot of old containers lying around. We once used them to store things like dairy products, drinks and cleaning products. Now we no longer use them. Reusing those containers is both cheap and easy!

Four ideas for making flower pots with plastic bottles

Just think how many plastic bottles we have lying around and their different shapes. We show you four great ideas on how to make beautiful flower pots with plastic bottles at home. Moreover, you can give them your own personal touch to match the style of your home.

1. Flowerpots

These pots are great for small green plants. For example, you can use them for aromatic plants or for a flower bed. They are also ideal if you don’t want to paint them. You may want to see the color of the soil and the plant that is in that soil.


  • Plastic bottles with caps (4 or as many as you want)
  • A knife
  • Soil
  • Plants

How are you doing this?

  • Screw the caps onto the bottles first.
  • Then turn them horizontally.
  • Then carefully make a notch at the top. Then cut a hole in the size you want.
  • Make holes at the bottom to drain the water.
  • Then repeat these steps for the other bottles.
  • Add the earth.
  • Finally, put the plants in the soil and water.
A miniature garden with plastic bottles

2. A miniature garden

You can make these small gardens very easily. They are also a great alternative for small spaces.


  • A plastic bottle (or 2)
  • small stones
  • Soil
  • Plants
  • A knife

How are you doing this?

  • First cut the bottle in half with the knife.
  • Take the bottom part and make holes for the water to come through.
  • Then you put a little soil in it.
  • Then put the plant in the soil.
  • Add some more soil.
  • You can put a layer of thin stones on the sides. They can then be seen through the plastic.
  • Cover with soil.
  • Finally, put stones on top to decorate the whole.

3. A colorful touch with bottle caps

Do you want to give your flower pots a colorful touch and brighten up your garden? Then try this alternative. You just need to put bottle caps with different colors together. Follow these simple steps:


  • A plastic bottle
  • A knife or scissors
  • Colored Bottle Caps (20)
  • A glue gun
  • A green plant
  • Soil

How are you doing this?

  • First, cut the bottle in half with the scissors or knife.
  • Then take the lower part and make holes in it.
  • Then stick the bottle caps to it using the glue.
  • Cover the entire flower pot.
  • Finally, put the soil in the plot and then the plant.
Recycle plastic bottles

4. A golden flower pot

If you want to give your flower pots a more elegant color, you can use this idea. The pot will then not look like plastic. After all, the paint will give the pot a golden metallic look. You can also use an old CD for the base to shape the pot into a cup.


  • 1 plastic bottle
  • A knife
  • An old CD
  • Glue
  • Gloves
  • Spray can with gold paint
  • A plant
  • Soil

How are you doing this?

  • First take the bottle and cut it in half.
  • Then you take the top part (with the shape of a funnel). Insert the spout into the CD.
  • Use the CD as a base. This gives the pot the shape of a cup. Fix the CD with the glue.
  • Then paint the bottle and the CD. Wear gloves while painting.
  • Finally, place the plant and soil in the pot.

You can apply these ideas for flower pots with plastic bottles. It is a very simple and rewarding way to decorate your home. Let us know which idea you like best!

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