Learn To Treat Neck Cramps

Neck cramps can probably become very painful if not treated in time. They can have many causes, such as poor posture for a long time, stress, muscle weakness and other causes. Learn how to prevent this condition in this article.
Learn to treat neck cramps

Neck cramps are a type of pain that occurs when bending, leaning forward, or lengthening the neck. Because the neck is made up of a system of ligaments and muscles whose purpose is to move the head and keep it in place, it is a very delicate area.

Running from the head and cervical spine to the collarbone, chest and other areas, the muscles make up a total of twenty pairs of muscles that allow movement. In neck cramps, the blood vessels that carry blood to the muscles constrict and this increases the tension.

The most affected muscles are the trapezius and the rhomboid. People who suffer from neck cramps often experience pain and difficulty turning their head to the left or right.

This condition is actually very common. In some cases, there may also be head, shoulder and even arm pain.

But neck cramps are not considered a disease. Instead, they are symptoms that show that something is not right.

Symptoms of Neck Cramps

Symptoms of Neck Cramps

Identifying a neck spasm is not that difficult because there is persistent pain in the area. In some cases, there is a prolonged pain, and in other cases, it appears spontaneously.

Here are the main symptoms:

  • inflammation
  • Sharp, throbbing pain
  • Tingling
  • The area feels warm
  • muscle strain
  • Turning the body is necessary to move the neck

Usually neck cramps do not lead to serious problems. However, we must treat the tension in time to avoid even more painful side effects.


There are many possible causes of neck cramps. These include:

  • overload
  • Repetitive use of muscles
  • Forced postures that require the neck muscles for a long time
  • Exposure to stressful situations
  • muscle weakness

How can you treat neck cramps?

Treatment of neck cramps

In general , treatments for neck cramps include oral anti-inflammatory medications and the use of ice or cold compresses on the painful area. The treatments are aimed at reducing swelling and pain. More severe cases require physical rehabilitation with a physical therapist.

If none of the above treatments are successful, the next step may be to apply cortisone injections. Surgery is only a suitable option for chronic cases.

If the pain is not severe, you can try following the exercises below so that you can relax your muscles. However, remember that it is only a suggestion and it is always better to consult a doctor before trying them.

  • Stop any form of exercise for three days.
  • Gently massage the area to warm it up and promote blood flow.
  • Follow a diet rich in nutrients to speed healing.

Try the following self-massages and stretches that you can do at home without worrying about making the pain worse. Keep your breathing and posture steady before starting anything. You may feel some pain, but it should never be intense. In that case, stop the exercise immediately.

Using a rod

Below are a few massage exercises that you can use to counteract the symptoms of the neck cramp. However, they only have a temporary effect.

From left to right

  • The first thing to do is inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Stand up straight and straighten your back.
  • Then take a rod and place it right on the back of your neck and hold it in place with the palms of your hands.
  • Now gently roll the rod over the neck.
  • After that, you can also move it around the neck and sides.
  • You can also bend your head forward and to the side.
  • Do this exercise for five minutes.

Slide and rotate

  • Stay in the same position as the previous exercise, but now slide the bar down and press it against your neck.
  • Rotate the bar as you slide it over the neck to relax the muscles.
  • Then do the same with the sides of the neck.
  • Also do this exercise for five minutes.

How can you prevent neck cramps?

How can you prevent neck cramps?
  • Avoid poses that force your neck to bend.
  • Change position regularly.
  • Get more exercise.
  • Do not make sudden movements.
  • Remember to do warm-up exercises before any kind of physical activity.
  • Stretch your back and neck every two hours.
  • Sleep in the right position.
  • Check that your mattress is in good condition and that your pillow supports your neck well.
  • You can try activities like yoga or pilates.
  • Try to do relaxation exercises.

Fortunately, you can usually find a solution for neck cramps with two or three sessions of physical therapy.

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