Lose Weight Without Feeling Hungry With 3 Simple Habits

Learning how to properly combine foods can be crucial to weight loss. And more importantly, it helps you not to put on weight again.
Lose Weight Without Feeling Hungry With 3 Simple Habits

Have you decided to take the plunge and want to lose weight without feeling hungry? Then you may have some questions about how to do this.

There are different types of diets. Some contradict themselves. In addition, not all of them work effectively for everyone. But there are some helpful tips that can help you lose weight.

Discover three simple habits in this article. They will help you lose weight in a healthy easy way and without getting hungry.

You can lose weight without getting hungry

There is a common misconception about losing weight. We often associate it with limiting fats and calories, smaller portions and more exercise.

These are indeed general guidelines. But we should still mention that many factors influence weight loss.

The most important thing is that you lose weight gradually and in a healthy way. To achieve this goal, you need to adopt good habits that will keep your weight off in the long run. That way it will take a little longer before you reach the target weight. But the results will be more lasting. In addition, you will avoid a relapse.

Three simple habits to lose weight

As we mentioned, there are several factors that will help you lose weight. In this article, we recommend three simple habits. Because they have surprising results that allow you to lose weight in a healthy way. In addition, you can lose weight without feeling hungry.

1. Water and vinegar

The simple combination of water and apple cider vinegar has some miraculous effects that help you lose weight.

  • First, this medicinal drink speeds up your metabolism. This leads to an increased consumption of energy and a greater burning of calories.
  • Water and vinegar also lower blood sugar levels. This benefit doesn’t just prevent other health problems. But it also calms the hunger and the craving for sweets. In addition, it aids digestion.
  • Finally, apple cider vinegar helps to remove fats and toxins from the body.


  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar (15 ml)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

How do you drink it?

  • Drink this mixture three times a day, half an hour before each main meal.

2. The combination of foods

Lose weight without hunger with the right food combination

Learn how to combine foods. Because it is a very effective way to lose weight while eating the same amount.

It is important that you discover the foods that cause more weight loss in one combination than in another.

So pay attention to the composition of your meals. Because you can also tackle digestive problems and fight fluid retention and swelling in this way:

Here are some foods you shouldn’t eat at the same time:

  • Different types of protein in the same meal: meat, fish, eggs and legumes. One serving of protein per meal is sufficient. You should also alternate between animal and vegetable protein.
  • Dairy products are best eaten alone. Because they are not a good combination with other foods.
  • Desserts: All fruits and sweets cause weight gain. In addition, they interfere with digestion if you eat them after a meal.
  • Protein from vegetables is better.  A typical hamburger with fries is not only high in calories. But it’s also a bad combination of protein and carbohydrates.

3. Lose Weight Without Going Hungry With Smart Evening Meals

Breakfast and lunch are very important meals. But we should especially pay attention to the evening meal if we want to lose weight. What you eat in the evening will often be converted into fat reserves in the body.

So you have to remember two important points:

  • Eat your evening meal early.  We recommend that you eat dinner no later than two hours before you go to sleep. The best way is actually to eat before eight o’clock in the evening.

To avoid feeling hungry, try to fill in the other main meals, breakfast and lunch.

  • Have a light evening meal.  You should reduce the amount of carbohydrates (bread, pizza, pasta, potatoes) in the evening. Because they contain too much energy. Instead, try to opt for some protein and vegetables.

In any case, you can add a small portion of grains. Quinoa, oats or millet are grains that contain a lot of protein. You can also use chickpea flour instead of flour to make pancakes and other pastries.

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