Natural Cure For Up To 100 Diseases

While raw garlic has antiseptic, anti-fungal, antibacterial and cleansing properties thanks to the presence of the active ingredient allicin, red wine is rich in many antioxidants that ensure a healthy cardiovascular system and can stop premature aging.
Natural cure for up to 100 diseases

It is only human and natural to be constantly looking for a natural remedy that can improve our health. As the years go by, we become more and more susceptible to illnesses and ailments that often reduce the quality of our daily life.

If you don’t like to use medication, natural remedies can help you stay in good shape.

We already know that if we want to enjoy good health and grow old active and fit, we must pay due attention to a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, adequate exercise and other healthy habits that help the body and mind to thrive. to remain in optimal condition.

In addition, there are also additional health-promoting and natural remedies that, if applied regularly, can prevent the development of a large number of ailments and diseases.

These powerful ingredients are invaluable to our bodies and health and can help prevent the onset of nearly 100 different diseases related to the respiratory system, immune system, cardiovascular system, liver, kidney and lymphatic system.

What does this powerful natural remedy consist of?

This powerhouse combines the healing properties of raw garlic with the antioxidant power of red wine in a healing drink that can significantly improve our health and prevent the development of almost hundreds of ailments and ailments.

What are the health benefits of garlic?

Benefits of garlic

Raw garlic is rich in the substance allicin. This substance provides the specific smell and taste of garlic and gives this food anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. 

In addition, allicin has a cleansing and antiseptic function and is therefore sometimes considered a natural antibiotic.

This powerful substance in combination with the other antioxidants present in garlic ensure that conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, flu and colds, digestive disorders, infections and circulatory disorders do not get a chance to arise.

Several studies have shown that the disease-fighting properties of garlic reduce the risk of developing stomach cancer by 50% and even reduce the risk of developing colon cancer by 66%.

That is why garlic is often included in the “superfood” category. It is a powerful ally that helps to strengthen our defenses and improve our health in general.

What can red wine do for our health?

Did you know that red wine is considered one of the healthiest foods when consumed in moderation? It is recommended to drink no more than two glasses of red wine a day.

This well-known drink, enjoyed with love all over the world, contains high doses of antioxidants and nutrients that contribute to an optimal health status of our body.

The substance  resveratrol and the flavonoids, powerful antioxidants, ensure optimal functioning of the heart, reduce bad cholesterol, stimulate blood circulation and the renewal of every body cell, fight against obesity, cleanse the body and prevent premature aging of the body.

Red wine

Red wine also causes tissue to contract and therefore prevents bacteria from settling in the oral cavity. This significantly reduces the risk of caries.

The anti-inflammatory properties of red wine also reduce the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle. They also have a positive influence on the state of our health in general.

In the case of red wine, too, studies have shown a link between moderate drinking of a glass of red and a reduced risk of developing a number of cancers. This is mainly due to the high concentration of resveratrol contained in red wine. It has been proven that this substance reduces the risk of developing lung cancer, breast and prostate cancer.

How is this natural remedy with garlic and red wine prepared?

Think what a powerful healing drink is created when we put these two healthy and healing foods together! An ally that you can not do without if you want to keep your body healthy with a natural remedy. With this you can prevent cardiovascular diseases, infections and cancer from getting the upper hand over the years.

Did you also know that it gives the skin a huge boost and will look fresh and radiant?


  • 12 garlic cloves
  • Half a liter of excellent quality red wine

How do you prepare this super drink?

  • Cut each clove of garlic into four wedges and then add to the half liter of red wine. Use a glass bottle for this.
  • Make sure that the bottle can be closed tightly and put it in a sunny spot.
  • Leave the bottle for two weeks. However, make sure to shake the bottle well two to three times a day.
  • After two weeks, pour everything through a sieve. Then preferably store the drink in a dark colored bottle.

Take one teaspoon of this powerful drink two to three times a day for a full month. You can repeat this course twice a year to take maximum advantage of the powerful properties of this all-natural remedy.

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