Natural Remedies For Gingivitis

If you don’t act quickly, plaque can turn into tartar, which is much harder to remove. Both erode the enamel of the teeth and can cause you to lose your teeth.
Natural Remedies For Gingivitis

If your gums bleed every time you brush your teeth, it could be a sign of gum disease. In addition, if you also notice that the gums are red and swollen, that is another sign. It is caused by dental plaque, a sticky layer that we find on the transition between the tooth and the gums. 

Find out how to treat gum disease naturally in the following article .

What is gum disease and how is it caused?

The symptoms of gum disease are swelling and bleeding of the gums, caused by plaque. Plaque is a sticky substance created by what we eat and the bacteria in our mouths.

The condition can also be caused by poor oral hygiene or by an excessive intake of certain foods, such as coffee. Plaque will eventually turn into a yellowish substance called tartar.

This process releases harmful substances that erode the gums, creating gaps between the teeth and gums and forming “pockets” that can infect very deep – all the way into the bone. This can then cause teeth to become loose or even fall out completely.

What Is Gingivitis And How Is It Caused

Possible causes for gum disease include:

  • Poor cleaning of the teeth, for example by using a toothbrush that is too hard, not brushing after eating, not flossing, etc.
  • emotional stress
  • Hormone imbalance, such as during pregnancy, adolescence or menstruation
  • Nutritional Deficiencies
  • Diseases such as osteoporosis and diabetes
  • Taking certain medications or foods, such as blood thinners, antibiotics, and anti-hypertensive, immunosuppressive, or anti-seizure medications
Possible Causes for Gingivitis

What are the best home remedies for gum disease?

  • Make a mixture of equal parts oxygenated water and baking soda. Then brush your teeth thoroughly with this mixture. Focus mainly on the edge of the gums. Baking soda will help remove the plaque and make it smell better. It will also polish your teeth, making them whiter.
  • Rinse your mouth with a mixture of warm water and half a teaspoon of salt. Repeat this every night.
  • Rub your gums several times a day with a fig that you have cooked in a mixture of milk and aloe vera.
What are the best home remedies for gum disease
  • Eat a piece of cheddar or Swiss cheese after lunch and dinner. You can also choose to eat a piece of raw, unpeeled apple.
  • Make a tea from a teaspoon of dried mint, anise and rosemary in a cup of water. Boil this mixture for 10 minutes and then drain. After that, clean your mouth with this liquid every hour.
  • Make a mouthwash, which you can use every morning, with a cup of water and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. You can also choose to drink this with a meal.
  • Clean your mouth with a tea made from 3 drops of lavender oil and a tablespoon of pure honey. Dilute with cold or lukewarm water.
Honey against gum disease

Even more remedies

  • Make a solution of a cup of hot water with two drops of myrrh. Drink this before and after every meal to cleanse your body.
  • Add a handful of sage leaves to a cup of boiling water. Cover and let cool. Then you can use this to gargle. The mixture has an antiseptic and antifungal effect, which helps to reduce inflammation of the gums and keep your teeth clean.
  • Add two tablespoons of geranium leaf to a cup of boiling water. Then leave it on for 15 minutes. Drain and then clean your mouth with it twice a day.
  • Boil a cup of water with two tablespoons of dried mallow root for five minutes. Clean your mouth several times a day with the warm liquid.
  • Blend half a cup of berries with half a cup of milk, a teaspoon of vanilla extract and a banana into a smooth juice. Serve it in the morning. The berries will help kill the bacteria that cause gum disease.
  • Add a handful of mango leaves to a liter of boiling water. Cover and then let cool. Then gargle with this liquid once a day. You can also chew two slices of mango for five minutes.
  • Mix approximately 30 grams of honey with 7 drops of lemon juice and 7 drops of peppermint essential oil. Rinse your mouth with this daily.
  • Heat a tablespoon of arnica, mallow root, and horsetail grass in a cup of water. Leave for 10 minutes before draining and adding 5 drops of sage essential oil. Put this in a sealable container, shake it well and clean your mouth with it every time your gums bleed.
Herbs against gum disease

What else can you do?

  • Mix about 30 grams of aloe vera with the same amount of honey and 8 drops of oxygenated water. You can rinse your mouth with this twice a day.
  • Make a tea with a liter of water and a handful of rue leaves. You can use this mouthwash three times a day (morning, afternoon and evening).
  • Blend a tomato with spinach, parsley, two cloves of garlic and broccoli in a blender with a cup of water. Drink a glass of this a day.
  • Blend a handful of strawberries with some mint. Add some water if the juice is too thick. Drink it after your main meals.

We hope this article on treating gum disease naturally helped you!

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