Natural Remedies For Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin condition characterized by the appearance of scaly patches, red skin, and dandruff. Discover some natural remedies for seborrheic dermatitis in this article.
Natural Remedies For Seborrheic Dermatitis

Natural remedies for seborrheic dermatitis are not just conventional shampoos or creams. While they are very effective, a number of natural solutions also yield good results. Are you interested in trying them out? In this article we want to share five alternatives with you.

What is Seborrheic Dermatitis?

Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition that primarily affects the scalp. While the exact cause is unknown, it is believed to be related to a Malassezia fungal infection and changes in the immune system.

While treatments can control your symptoms, the disease cannot be completely cured. Those who suffer from it should therefore take some basic steps to reduce the recurrence of outbreaks. Discover some home remedies below.

Five Natural Remedies For Seborrheic Dermatitis

Remedies for seborrheic dermatitis aim to reduce symptoms like flaky patches, redness of the skin and also dandruff. They also facilitate the loosening of dead cells and they minimize excessive sebum production.

1. Aloe vera

Sliced ​​aloe vera and gel

Aloe vera gel provides hydration and a calming effect to the scalp affected by Seborrheic Dermatitis. The gel containing the aloe vera plant has beneficial uses for skin health.

According to research, its extracts are useful in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis. It not only calms your symptoms but also prevents the outbreak of this disease.

How to use

  • First of all, buy aloe vera supplements and consume them according to the instructions.
  • If you prefer to use it in its natural form, extract fresh aloe vera gel and apply it on the affected areas.
  • Repeat the remedy every day until you see an improvement.

2. Tea trea

Due to its anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties, tea tree essential oil stands out as one of the best remedies for seborrheic dermatitis. The topical application reduces discomfort such as itching, redness and flaky patches.

How to use

  • First, dilute six drops of tea tree essential oil in a few tablespoons of a base oil, such as olive oil or coconut oil
  • Then rub the treatment over the areas affected by dermatitis.
  • Massage for a few minutes and let it act.
  • Finally, rinse it out after 15 or 20 minutes.

3. Remedies For Seborrheic Dermatitis: Vitamin E Oil

Capsules with Vitamin E

Vitamin E has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and is effective in managing the symptoms of dermatitis. Consuming and topically applying vitamin E has interesting skin benefits.

In this particular case, it helps reduce inflammation and irritation of the scalp. It also facilitates the release of dead skin cells and accelerates the recovery of damaged tissues.

How to use

  • First, take a vitamin E capsule and dilute it in your regular shampoo.
  • If desired, combine the contents of a vitamin E capsule with a tablespoon of coconut oil and use the preparation to massage the affected areas of your scalp.
  • Finally, don’t forget to take vitamin E supplements as well.

4. Avocado Oil

Due to its high content of omega 3 fatty acids, amino acids and antioxidants, avocado oil is ideal against seborrheic dermatitis and other skin conditions. Massaging it into your scalp soothes redness, burning, and itchiness.

How to use

  • First, combine equal parts avocado oil with olive oil.
  • Then gently rub the product on the scabs and affected areas.
  • Then leave it on for 15 minutes and massage with a soft brush to facilitate the removal of dead skin cells.
  • Finally, rinse with warm water.

5. Turmeric

Remedies for Seborrheic Dermatitis

In case of irritation and itching, turmeric can provide interesting anti-inflammatory benefits for your scalp. People have been using turmeric extracts as one of the remedies for seborrheic dermatitis for many years.

Since the active ingredients are anti-inflammatory, it improves the condition of the skin in areas irritated by this condition. It even helps prevent new outbreaks.

How to use

  • Buy turmeric extracts and consume 350 to 500 mg each day. Avoid this remedy if you have gallbladder problems or if you are on medication. In the latter case, consult your doctor.
  • You can use it topically by mixing the powdered root with olive oil or coconut oil. Massage it in for a few minutes and then rinse it out.

It is important to note that seborrheic dermatitis remedies can have different effects on everyone. Since there isn’t enough evidence to support them, it’s always a good idea to consult your doctor for other alternatives.

To avoid unwanted effects, it is also best to perform a small test before using the preparation as a whole. If you don’t see any unwanted comments after 20 minutes, you can use this one.

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