Natural Remedies To Fight Fungus

Natural remedies to combat fungus are a healthy and inexpensive option for treating fungus in general. Before you spend a lot of money on creams and expensive treatments, it’s a good idea to try these alternatives.
Natural remedies to fight fungus

Fungi are a constant threat to our skin because they feel good in moist places. Swimming pools and tubs are the most common places where fungi grow and thrive. We will therefore take a closer look at some natural remedies to deal with fungi.

While they can be prevented by maintaining good hygiene, there is always the risk of infection. Fortunately, there are very good natural remedies to get rid of mold completely. You can even make these very easily at home.

How does fungus affect your skin?

Fungi usually germinate in tissues rich in keratin. This makes the skin a good place to spread.

The most common is ringworm, which starts with whitish spots, causes a burning sensation and itching. In addition, there can be a thickening of the nail plate, which can even peel off. Cracks in the skin also occur.

Fortunately, there are ways to prevent and cure fungus.

5 Natural Remedies To Cure Fungi

Natural remedies to stop fungi should be administered at an early stage of development. We will describe some of those remedies below.

1. Rosemary, lemon and garlic

Each of the ingredients that make up this remedy has very good  antiseptic and antifungal properties.

Rosemary contains several antifungal compounds that are important for antifungal treatment, as well as healing properties to remove fungal spores on your feet.

Meanwhile, garlic has a powerful antifungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial and natural microbe-killing effect. These properties make it an ideal ingredient for the treatment of fungi.

Finally, the lemon acts as an anti-fungal agent. Being a citrus fruit, it is able to target and eliminate certain infections at the root. It also helps to remove odors and refresh the skin.


  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • 1 lemon
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 cup rosemary leaves (50 g)


  • First, heat the two cups of water in a pan. Cut the lemon with the zest and then add it to the boiling water, along with the garlic and rosemary leaves.
  • Let the mixture boil for 10 minutes and then let it cool in the refrigerator.
  • This preparation should be used to wash the affected area daily. With this treatment, the fungi will be eliminated quickly.

2. Yogurt and lemon

Yogurt is one of the natural remedies to fight fungus that is also very simple to use. This dairy product contains high amounts of healthy bacteria that fight fungi.

Lemon increases the effectiveness of yogurt. In addition, as we have already seen, it will also cool your skin and eliminate odors.


  • 1/2 glass of yogurt (100 g)
  • 5 drops lemon juice


  • First mix the yogurt with the lemon drops and spread the preparation directly on the affected areas.
  • Let it soak for at least an hour. Then wash thoroughly with plenty of water.
  • Dry the area completely, as leaving it wet will make it easier for the fungi to spread.

3. Apple cider vinegar

There are many types of vinegar, but apple cider vinegar is useful for various aspects of daily life. In addition, it has an important function in the treatment of skin disorders. You can use it easily by mixing it with water.


  • 5 cups of water (1 liter)
  • 2 cups apple cider vinegar (500 ml)


  • Add the apple cider vinegar to the liter of water and mix well.
  • The affected area should then be dipped daily for 20 minutes to see rapid improvements.

4. Olive Leaves

Not only tasty olives or olive oil come from the olive tree. The leaves also have many properties to take care of the body. They are therefore one of the natural remedies to treat fungi. In this case, you can make a paste with olive leaves that you can then use as an antifungal.


  • 1/2 cup fresh olive leaves (50 g)
  • 2 tablespoons water (30 ml)


  • First make a paste with the olive leaves by grinding them in a mortar.
  • Then place the preparation on the affected area and leave it for half an hour. Preferably cover it with plastic cling film or a plastic bag.
  • Finally, when you’re done, wash the affected area with warm water and dry very gently. The treatment requires you to use this mixture 3 times a day. Do this daily until you see results.

5. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil contains natural compounds that have a strong antifungal effect. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, it prevents the growth of fungi and the spread of infections. In addition, it is easy to find in the supermarket.

Tea tree oil is one of the natural remedies to fight fungus


  • 3 tablespoons tea tree oil (45 ml)
  • 1/4 glass of tea (50 ml)
  • 1/4 glass of olive oil (50 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons aloe vera gel (45 ml)


  • Mix the ingredients and finally apply the preparation on the affected areas three times a day.
  • If the infection is vaginal, it is recommended to apply tea tree oil to a tampon. Then leave it in the vagina for two to three hours. You should see results within a week.

So in summary, we see that natural remedies to prevent fungus are a very healthy and inexpensive option to treat fungus in general. Before you spend money on creams and expensive treatments, it’s a good idea to try these alternatives.

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