Natural Remedies To Regulate Your Menstrual Cycle

Menstrual pain occurs in many women, but this does not mean that it is normal. There are many foods that can help regulate your menstrual cycle, such as avocado and figs.
Natural remedies to regulate your menstrual cycle

Many women suffer from irregular menstrual cycles. This means pain before and during menstruation, irregular or missed periods, heavy bleeding, and much more.

In this article we will show you  the most effective natural remedies to regulate your menstrual cycle  and thus improve your quality of life.

Is it normal to have pain during menstruation?

The pain that many women feel before or during their period is quite common. But it’s not normal. Pain is a symptom your body uses to indicate that an organ or system is not functioning properly.

However, this does not mean that you have a serious disorder. However, it is something that you should regulate to prevent more serious consequences  and improve your quality of life.

While gynecologists don’t offer many solutions for menstrual pain (except the pill, which doesn’t cure the problem), there are a number of natural remedies to treat this problem and other irregularities in the menstrual cycle.

By balancing your hormones, you’ll also notice other health benefits that you didn’t associate with your period.

How do you regulate your menstrual cycle?

Below we will show you which natural means you can use to regulate your hormones and your menstrual cycle.


Ground maca in a glass jar

Maca is a tuber that comes from the Andes Mountains of Peru, where it is widely eaten. It is a  hormone regulating agent  and also offers many benefits for the hair, skin and nails.

This vegetable, like turnips and radishes, contains many nutrients such as:

  • amino acids
  • vitamins B, C and E
  • minerals such as zinc, magnesium, calcium and iron

These properties make it a  very good choice as a means of regulating the menstrual cycle. It also helps during and before menopause.

  • You can take between 500 and 1000 mg, three times a day. It can be in both capsules and a soluble powder.
  • Always start with a small amount, as it can cause nervousness in certain cases.

Evening Primrose Oil

This is a medium-term treatment to regulate the menstrual cycle.

Evening primrose  reduces both physical and mental symptoms experienced by women before and during menstruation.

Evening primrose is also very good during the menopause and you can use it to treat skin problems.


A whole and a half avocado

Avocado is a highly nutritious fruit that is important in any diet. In addition, this fruit is  also known for its high content of plant sterols. These balance our hormones if we consume them regularly.

Eating avocado promotes progesterone production. It helps balance  excess estrogen caused by:

  • food habits
  • pollution
  • stress
  • bad habits


Figs are soft, sweet fruits, a delicacy for the taste buds, with many medicinal properties.

For women  , figs have a hormone-regulating effect and improve the irregularities of the menstrual cycle and uterus.

In addition, the leaves of the fruit, which we can eat fresh or dry, also contain plant hormones. These are very healthy for women.

You can eat three figs a day, alone or in combination with salads, juices, smoothies or a side dish.

brewer’s yeast

Brewer's yeast in a glass

Brewer’s yeast is a superfood that you can include in your diet to enrich it and give it some spice. It is rich in vitamins and minerals such as zinc, which balances the hormones. In addition, it affects the thyroid hormones (progesterone and testosterone).

  • You can mix a tablespoon (8 grams) of powdered brewer’s yeast with yogurt, juice, or whatever you prefer.
  • You can also buy it in tablet form or liquid. Nutritional yeast is also very beneficial. 

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