Prevent Snoring By Using The Five Best Natural Remedies

To stop snoring, you can use some remedies that will help to soothe your throat and open your airways. This will improve your breathing and reduce the problem of snoring. 
Prevent Snoring By Using The Five Best Natural Remedies

Are you looking for some natural remedies to prevent snoring?

When it’s time to go to sleep, we try to relax and rest at the end of the day. It is therefore important that we create a calm atmosphere. But for many couples, families or friends, snoring is a problem.

That is why in this article we would like to introduce you some natural remedies so that you can prevent snoring.

Natural remedies to prevent snoring

It is easier to check the composition of natural remedies than that of pills. In addition, it is also easier to determine whether or not we are tolerant to the components of natural remedies. It is also much safer for your general health.

Now let’s take a look at some natural remedies that can help you prevent snoring.

1. Honey with raspberry leaves

Prevent snoring with honey

Honey is a natural expectorant that helps clear the secretions from the respiratory tract. These secretions can cause snoring. When a person sleeps, they can obstruct breathing.


  • 2 teaspoons raspberry leaves
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon honey


  • Place the raspberry leaves in a cup of hot water. Then wait for them to warm up.
  • Then add the honey and mix everything well. Before going to sleep, gargle with this remedy without swallowing it.

2. Olive oil and kohlrabi

You need some patience for this method.  You have to let it steep for about two weeks.


  • 1 cup olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons kohlrabi leaves


  • Put the olive oil in a glass jar.
  • Then add the kohlrabi leaves and mix everything.
  • Then cover the jar with aluminum foil. Put it in a dark place where it can soak.
  • After two weeks, strain the oil to take out the kohlrabi leaves. Then apply the mixture to your nose and neck.

3. Eucalyptus and mint

Prevent snoring with eucalyptus and mint

These two ingredients have expectorant properties that help to soothe the throat. They also open up the airways so you can avoid snoring and the nuisance it causes.


  • 1 cup of water
  • 2 tablespoons eucalyptus leaves
  • 2 tablespoons mint leaves


  • Heat the water along with the herbs until it boils.
  • Then pour the decoction into a bowl and let it steep for ten minutes.

The treatment involves breathing in the steam. Make sure you stay at a sufficient distance from the pan in which the water is boiling. You should avoid burning the face.

4. Onions

Prevent snoring with onions

Onions are a great natural digestive aid. In addition, there are no contraindications. Onions can also help prevent the blockage of the airways. This will make breathing easier. So you will be able to enjoy a peaceful sleep and prevent snoring.


  • Cut the onion in half. Add a little salt and then put the onion on the bedside table.
  • You can also inhale the aroma before going to sleep.

5. Turmeric

Prevent snoring with turmeric

Turmeric has many health benefits. One of its properties is that it has an anti-inflammatory effect. It also helps us to prevent snoring. This herb dilates blood vessels. It can also improve breathing. In addition, it is a good remedy for colds. Turmeric also helps with a dry throat.

To benefit from its positive effects, you should take it before going to sleep.


  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 tablespoons turmeric
  • 1 tablespoon honey (optional)


  • Add the turmeric to the warmed milk. Drink this remedy before going to sleep to prevent snoring.

This remedy also helps with infections. It strengthens the immune system.

To achieve good results, it is important that you apply this treatment consistently. You should also check beforehand whether you have any allergies or medical problems.

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