Prevent Split Ends By Taking Good Care Of Your Hair

Did you know that to get rid of split ends, it is essential that you improve your diet? In this way you protect and strengthen your hair from the inside.
Prevent split ends by taking good care of your hair

Damaged hair is everyone’s nightmare. Plus, in this ever-changing world where almost all of your time is spent on work and obligations, it can be hard to find the time to take care of your hair too. One of the main things that especially bother women is those split ends, which occur when the ends of your hair start to separate.

Don’t worry though!

In this article we tell you how you can get rid of these split ends by taking good care of your hair.

Remember that any treatment you apply yourself at home must be done very carefully. You can of course also hire a professional to avoid problems.

How to prevent those split ends by taking good care of your hair

Girl looking at her split ends

1. Follow your hairstylist’s recommendations

The first thing to do is follow the recommendation that many stylists give to have your dot trimmed every two months. This is a tip that many people follow religiously, and it produces very good results. Keeping track of your ends regularly can help you maintain the same length and avoid those pesky split ends.

There are many different types of cutting and tools that you can use without having to shorten your hair. Your hairstylist should know some tips to eliminate split ends without cutting your original haircut even a millimeter shorter.

Once the haircut is complete, you can also ask your hairstylist about the best treatments and remedies to take care of your hair in between haircuts.

2. Natural Hair Treatments For Dry Hair

Well, if you are not one of those people who regularly go to the hairdresser, then of course you can also try treatments yourself that will moisturize your hair and restore its vitality.

Nowadays there are a lot of good rinses and hair masks, but natural products remain the most suitable for taking care of your hair.

Let’s take a look at some of these natural products!

Woman taking care of her hair to prevent split ends


  • 1 tablespoon honey (25 g)
  • The pulp of 1 avocado

What should you do?

If you are inexperienced in the world of natural treatments, this mixture of honey and avocado is a good way to start.

  • Mix both ingredients together until the mixture has a smooth consistency. If you have very long hair, you may need to make more.
  • Then wash your hair with shampoo first and then distribute the mixture all over your hair and leave it on for fifteen minutes before rinsing it out.

Yet another way to moisturize your hair and prevent split ends naturally is to pamper your hair with a pumpkin and banana mask:


  • 1 cup pumpkin puree (200 g)
  • 1 banana
  • Splash of olive oil

What should you do?

  • Mix the three ingredients together and apply the mixture to damp hair.
  • Leave it on for fifteen to thirty minutes and then rinse with plenty of water. This mask is wonderful to moisturize your hair and restore its vitality.

3. Water and Conditioner

Woman taking care of her hair to prevent split ends

Using a conditioner after every wash is also a great way to prevent those pesky split ends.

Hydration is essential to prevent your hair from drying out and looking unsightly as a result. In addition, it would be wise to let your hair dry naturally, without using a hair dryer or flat iron. The use of these types of devices makes your hair weaker and less lively.

Also remember that water is always the answer: always wet your hair before combing it. Wet your hair before combing it carefully to avoid those pesky split ends.

4. A Good Diet

Our hair is composed of collagen, just like our skin. Therefore, its appearance largely depends on our diet.

Therefore, try to drink plenty of water and consume foods that have a high nutritional value, such as fruits and vegetables. It is not enough to take good care of your hair from the outside alone. The success of this treatment also depends on how well you take care of your hair from the inside out.

It is not only important to look good on the outside, but also to feel good on the inside.

Healthy eating to prevent split ends

5. Protect and hydrate your hair

Regularly using products that moisturize your hair and keep it vibrant and avoiding exposure to heat and sun also greatly helps to prevent those unpleasant split ends. Prevention is everything: apply protective agents to your hair and wear a hat whenever possible. In addition, avoid exposure to the sun during the hottest hours of the day and comb your hair daily.

These are very specific ways to avoid those unattractive split ends.

Try incorporating them into your daily routine and you will see amazing and remarkable changes in no time. Both when it comes to the appearance of your hair and its health!

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