Preventing Fine Lines And Wrinkles

Preventing fine lines and wrinkles without cosmetic procedures and expensive resources, isn’t that what everyone wants?
Preventing fine lines and wrinkles

The lips are surrounded by a delicate layer of skin (just like the skin around the eyes). As a result, wrinkles and fine lines appear more in this area of ​​the face than in other areas. Keep reading to learn how to prevent fine lines and wrinkles,

Fine lines around the lips: why, where, how


If lines appear above the lips, they are sometimes referred to as ‘barcodes’. There are many causes of fine lines around the mouth. As an example:

  • Stress or anxiety that causes you to squeeze the lips.
  • Frequent licking of the lips during the day.
  • Poor skin care.
  • Lack of moisture.
  • Too few vitamins and minerals.
  • Lack of antioxidants.
  • Too much exposure to the sun, wind or cold without adequate protection.
  • The muscles around the lips get too little movement.
  • By drinking through a straw or by smoking.
  • Poor circulation in the area.
To smoke

How to reduce lines and wrinkles around the lips

If the first signs of wrinkles start appearing on the sides of your mouth and they start to affect your appearance, it’s a good idea to address them using the following tips. If you can’t see them yet, you better watch out. Because  these tips can also prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles (they are also good if you suffer from dry, chapped lips).

Exercises for the mouth

How do you train the mouth? Don’t worry, you don’t have to go to a special school for it. You can do these exercises at home (or anywhere you want). This routine will strengthen the muscles around the lips and promote blood flow. Slowly open the mouth as if you were saying “O” or yawning. Then open your mouth as if you were going to say the letter “A”. Switch between these two positions without closing the mouth.

You will feel a kind of tension when you move the lips, because they are not used to it, but this is normal. If the cause is dry lips, use some almond oil on the lips before starting this exercise.  After that you will immediately notice a difference.

Be aware of your body

Pay attention to the position of your lips when you do your daily activities: at work, school, at home, while watching TV, reading a book, talking with a friend… Often we are not aware that we are squeezing the lips, especially when we are angry, tense or nervous. If you find yourself squeezing your lips together often, relax them right away.

Essential Oil


Like the almond oil example above, there are other interesting methods to keep lips healthy and wrinkle free. When you’re bathing, the hot water will open your pores. Use this time to apply essential walnut oil, for example. If you don’t plan to take a bath, you can dampen a cloth with warm water and massage it around the mouth. Remember that this is a very sensitive area and you can burn it if the water is too hot. Choose essential oils high in vitamin E to fight and prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


There are many different options for nourishing and caring for the skin. This prevents the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. We will share a few recipes with you here.

Recipe 1


  • A tablespoon of honey
  • Plus a tablespoon of yogurt
  • And a tablespoon of sugar


Mix the three ingredients and spread the mixture around the lips using soft, circular motions. Then leave it on for a few minutes. Then rinse it off with warm water.

Recipe 2


  • 3 tablespoons beeswax
  • 5 drops apricot oil
  • 5 drops camphor essential oil


Mix it well and apply this around the lips. Not only will it help fight wrinkles, but it will also moisturize dry, chapped lips.



Creams are great for moisturizing the skin and preventing these unsightly lines. A good method is mixing aloe vera and rose hip.


  • A stalk of aloe vera
  • A handful of rosehip
  • A cup of water


First, heat the water together with the rosehip. Then you remove the gel from the aloe stem. Then let the rosehip water cool and strain it. Add a little to the aloe vera gel and apply it on the lips. But don’t use this cream too often as it can have the opposite result .


All in all, a good diet is essential for beautiful skin, whether around the mouth or elsewhere on the body. In summary, juices and fresh salads are very good for your health, inside and out. That’s why you should include these foods in your diet for healthy, beautiful skin:

  • Avocado
  • Alfalfa
  • Sesame
  • Roots
  • Broccoli
  • Lemon
  • guava
  • tomatoes

After all, they are a great source of vitamin E, antioxidants, vitamin C and enzymes necessary for softer, younger looking skin.

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