Recipe For Delicious Spongy Shrimp Rice

Mediterranean cuisine offers some great benefits and this spongy shrimp rice contributes to this. Keep reading to learn how to make this delicious recipe.
Recipe for delicious spongy shrimp rice

If there is something remarkable about Mediterranean cuisine, it is the fantastic variety of the best seafood dishes. Today we are going to tell you the best way to make a delicious spongy shrimp rice recipe . Do you want to know how to prepare it?

Recommendations for delicious spongy rice

For this preparation, you don’t just have to mix the rice, shrimp and other ingredients from the sea. The technique of preparing the rice will also be essential to make this recipe perfect.

So, before you get started, focus on the type of rice you’ll be using. To make delicious spongy shrimp rice, it is recommended that the rice grains are round.

You also need to choose the ingredients that make the broth. For the best broth:

  • make sure you have a good choice of vegetables and herbs.
  • avoid using commercial flavored cubes.
  • remember that it is best to only add salt after seasoning.
  • use ingredients that contribute to the flavor of the dish, which in this case is shrimp.

You should also focus on the stir-fry mix. It is the ‘soul’ of the unique taste of this delicious spongy shrimp rice. Without further ado, let’s see how to make this juicy dish.

How to make delicious spongy shrimp rice

shrimp rice


  • 240 grams fresh shrimp (2 cups)
  • 180 grams of rice (1.5 cup)
  • 100 grams leek
  • 360 grams of tomatoes (3 pieces)
  • 95 grams green bell pepper (1 whole)
  • 120 grams onion (1 large)
  • 45 grams of garlic (3 cloves)
  • 60 ml olive oil (4 tablespoons)
  • 60 grams of saffron (2 strands)
  • 30 grams dried parsley (2 tablespoons)


Part 1 for delicious spongy shrimp rice

  • Start by washing, draining and peeling the shrimp, then clean the gut strands by pulling to one side and removing (you won’t be using that part).
  • Set the other parts aside to use in the stock later.
  • Now you can start making a quick stock or fish stock.
  • Use the shrimp heads and shells to make it.
  • Then cut the following ingredients into small pieces: the garlic, dried parsley and tomatoes.
  • Then put all the above ingredients in a pan for the stock and put it on medium heat.
  • Add water (about 1 liter) and a dash of salt.
  • The total cooking time should not exceed 20 minutes. However, this can vary depending on the intensity of the heat.

Part 2 for delicious spongy shrimp rice

  • Once you’ve completed the previous step, all you need to do is strain some stock.
  • Use a cloth to do this and set the stock aside to add to shrimp rice later.
  • Then fry the onions, garlic cloves, tomatoes and salt in a hot pan or frying pan with olive oil until the onions look translucent.
  • After a few minutes, add the previously sliced ​​green bell pepper to give the sauce more flavor.
  • Once the sauce is almost ready, add saffron and cook for 15 minutes.
  • When it’s almost done, you can put the rice in a large pot and start estimating the amount of water. To make it soupy, you need to use more water than rice and cook with a minimum of heat. You can add some salt if necessary.
  • Finally, add the rest of the prawns, a little more parsley and let it simmer for another 10 minutes.
  • Then remove from the heat and enjoy!

As you can see, if you follow these simple steps you will enjoy a bowl of delicious spongy shrimp rice. It is worth making this nutritious and tasty dish. You will love it!

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