Refined Sugar: Fuel For Cancer

Tumor cells need more sugar than normal cells. Once tumor cells have developed in your body, they depend on a regular supply of glucose to keep growing.
Refined sugar: fuel for cancer

There are many factors that determine whether a particular type of cancer develops in the body or not. What these factors all have in common, however, is what nourishes cancer cells. In the case of this article refined sugar.

Researchers have focused on the link between diet and cancer for decades . They have concluded that some foods increase the risk of developing cancer.

Refined sugar is one of the main foods that contribute to the development of cancer. Refined sugar is present in almost every home around the world and many people love it for its taste as well.

Refined sugar, carcinogenic food

Researchers at the University of California in San Francisco, United States, state that refined sugar can be very harmful to health, so harmful that the researchers believe that the product is similar to other toxic elements such as alcohol and tobacco.

Several studies show that regular consumption of sugar is responsible for more than 35 million deaths worldwide every year. This is because sugar is strongly associated not only with diabetes, but also with the development of chronic diseases such as cancer.

The harmful consequences

breast cancer

The harmful effects of regularly consuming sugar can include:

  • Diabetes
  • metabolic syndrome
  • Hyper- and hypoglycemia
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux (GORD)
  • heart disease

The relationship between sugar and cancer development is still the subject of many research projects and experiments. Over time, these studies add to the evidence that the link between the development of cancer and regular sugar consumption is very strong.

The link between cancer and sugar

The conventional medical community has always supported the idea that the link between the consumption of certain foods and cancer is very weak. Since no valid medical patterns have been observed to date that could support this association.

While the debate on this topic continues.

Are a large number of scientists, doctors and even many alternative doctors believe that reduced the consumption of certain foods nourish the cancer cells, such as glucose, one of the ways to deal with safe, economical and effective cancer.

This therapeutic strategy focuses on tumor starvation by modifying the patient’s diet. This is necessary to win the battle.

One of the first few people to discover that cancer cells feed on sugar were the researchers at the Huntsman Cancer Institute in Utah, United States.

In a study published in the journal  Proceedings , published by the National Academy of Science, they made clear that since 1923 the medical community has been aware that tumor cells need more glucose than normal cells.

The study explains this process and tells how a patient can regulate their sugar consumption to control the growth of tumors. 

Starving cancer cells

cancer cells

A study conducted by Dr. Thomas Graeber and colleagues, published in 2012 in the journal Molecular Systems Biology  , provided evidence that starving cancer cells by not adding enough glucose eventually causes the cells to die.

This is due to a toxic build-up of cell types, which react when they come into contact with oxygen.

Consumption of refined sugar can be associated with cancer in a broad way, as it is not only one of the causes of cancer, but also serves as nourishment for cancer cells once they have developed in the patient’s body.

These findings should certainly be part of all forms of cancer treatment in general. They could contribute to better outcomes. Once cancer cells are present in the body, these cells depend on a regular supply of glucose to continue growing.

Realize what you eat

Everyone can do something to help prevent cancer. Without any effort, get rid of the obvious culprits, such as refined sugar, for example.

While it is clear that diet is not the only factor contributing to the development of cancer, it does play a very important role, even if some people don’t think so.

We should all be aware of the potential damage we do to our bodies by eating too many cancer-causing foods,  such as refined sugar. We should try to limit our consumption of these foods or avoid them altogether.

Remember that refined sugar is present in many of the products we eat every day, including:

  • Pastries
  • Sweets
  • Cookies
  • Deserts
  • Types of breakfast cereals
  • Bread
  • sauces 

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