Remove Uric Acid With An Artichoke And Lemon Drink

Both artichokes and lemons have diuretic and cleansing properties. These properties help control inflammation caused by a build-up of uric acid. They also promote the elimination of this acid from the body.
Remove uric acid with an artichoke and lemon drink

The body produces a compound called uric acid. This happens through a process that breaks down the purines in the food we eat. The body must remove this uric acid.

The cells of the body work hard to dissolve this compound. They transfer this acid to the circulatory system. Then they promote its elimination through the kidneys. These organs filter the blood circulation and remove the waste products through the urine.

When you produce too much uric acid or the body is unable to remove all the uric acid, this acid builds up. Then a condition known as hyperuricemia develops 

This creates an imbalance in the inflammation of your body tissues. Eventually this will lead to the formation of hard crystals. These will affect the health of the kidneys and joints.

Fortunately, there are several natural products that can help with this problem. They support the detoxification processes of your body and ensure that this component is removed.

In this article, we propose a treatment made from artichoke and lemon. These are two alkaline ingredients, which are effective in dealing with this problem. Be sure to try this treatment!

Remove excess uric acid with an artichoke and lemon drink

Water with artichoke and lemon is a purifying drink. It is popular all over the world because it has many positive effects on the body.

First, it is low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals. So you can use it as a dietary supplement that will help you lose weight. At the same time, it keeps cholesterol and triglyceride levels in check.

In addition, this drink contains powerful antioxidants. These will slow down the damage to the cells of the body. In addition, they prevent diseases from developing as a result of the premature deterioration of the tissues.

What Benefits Do Artichokes Provide to Remove Uric Acid?


Artichokes are very healthy vegetables. They have been used for centuries because they contain many important nutrients.

In artichokes you will find significant amounts:

  • Vitamins (A, B complex, C)
  • Minerals (phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium)
  • Dietary fiber
  • Carbohydrates
  • Protein
  • Essential fatty acids

Due to the presence of these nutrients, artichokes have the ability to dissolve the fat components that build up in the tissues. In this way they ensure a better basic functioning of the liver.

The biological acids in artichokes reduce the amount of purines in your body and stimulate their elimination. The kidneys are responsible for this filtering.

In addition, artichokes are a natural diuretic. As a result, your body will produce more urine and the harmful components will be removed more efficiently.

Also remember that these fruits are only forty calories. That is why it is also a good idea to add it to your diet if you want to lose weight. It will help you avoid problems with your metabolism.

The benefits of lemons

Lemon juice

Lemon is an alkaline citrus fruit. It has been used for centuries to fight disease.

Lemons are high in vitamins, minerals and natural fiber. Thanks to these elements, they promote the breakdown of purines and ensure better drainage through the urine.

This fruit also contains natural acids. They become alkaline as soon as they are absorbed into the body. There they ensure that the acidity of the blood circulation remains in balance.

In addition, the nutrients in lemon stimulate the formation of calcium carbonate. This component is essential for neutralizing uric acid.

How do you prepare this artichoke and lemon drink?

Drink with artichoke and lemon

You really don’t have to be an expert to prepare this artichoke and lemon drink. All you have to do is buy ingredients that are as fresh as possible. That way you can be sure that they still have all their medicinal qualities.

What ingredients do you need?

  • 2 medium artichokes
  • 1 liter of water
  • The juice of 1 lemon

How do you prepare it?

  • First, cut the artichokes into several pieces. Then boil them in water until they are soft.
  • When the artichokes are ready, add the lemon juice. Then let everything cool down to a reasonable temperature to drink it.
  • Filter the liquid and then pour it into a glass. We recommend drinking this half an hour before each main meal.
  • Repeat this treatment for two weeks.  It is part of a detoxification plan to remove uric acid from your body.
  • Once you have purified your body, you can continue to use this drink preventively. Drink it two to three times a week.

Use this healthy drink. It will help you get rid of uric acid, but also fight obesity.

Of course, it is also important that you continue to limit the consumption of high-fat foods that are high in purines, as it is clear that they can negatively affect the effectiveness of this treatment.

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