Seven Benefits Of Turmeric During Menopause

Turmeric not only helps us fight the physical effects of menopause and the time after menopause, but also improves our mood.
Seven benefits of turmeric during menopause

Menopause is a crucial stage in a woman’s life, especially regarding her ability to have children. During this stage, the ovaries stop producing estrogen and progesterone.

It usually starts when a woman reaches the age of fifty or a little later. Post-menopause is the stage that takes place for the rest of her life when she no longer menstruates.

During the menopause, various health problems can arise that are caused by the reduced production of hormones.

Fortunately, however, there is the option to reduce the discomfort. In this case, we will talk about the benefits of turmeric.

You will find that it is a great ingredient and you will want to include it in your diet when you reach this stage of your life.

1. An anticoagulant effect

blood test

The first benefit of turmeric when it comes to menopause and postmenopause has to do with cardiovascular health. Heart health is known to be affected during and after menopause, especially by clotting disorders.

While there are several types of medications that can help control these types of conditions, they can cause excessive bleeding or bleeding. However, turmeric has an anticoagulant effect without side effects.

2. Turmeric Is Rich In Phytoestrogens

Phytoestrogens are by-products of plants that simulate the estrogen activities that the body secretes. For example, one of the benefits of turmeric is its high amount of phytoestrogens.

If your doctor has already given you estrogen replacements, they may be supplements based on phytoestrogen. So a good alternative to get this naturally is to include a small amount of turmeric in your diet.

3. It fights pain


The transition is also usually accompanied by various types of pain and inflammation. The most common types of pain are muscle and headaches, but these are not the only ones.

Fortunately, one of the benefits of turmeric is that it helps fight the pain caused by inflammation. Its analgesic effect makes it perfect for the recovery of the body without having to add extra medicines to your daily life.

The types of pain that turmeric best fights include:

  • Migraine
  • joint pain
  • Muscle stiffness

4. It Fights Depression

Even if you have been a very happy person all your life, there is always the risk of depression that can come with the menopause.

If you are experiencing changes in your mood, you should know that another benefit of turmeric is that it helps improve your mood.

For some women, this change is very serious and it is also directly related to menopause. In other cases, it is not so much a biological change, but more an adaptation to the new phase.

In any case, you should pay attention to the symptoms of menopause in order to take the necessary measures. The symptoms you should look out for include:

  • Problems falling asleep
  • stress
  • hot flashes
  • Constant desire to cry
  • Feeling inferior

5. It fights hot flashes

hot flashes

The majority of women who go through menopause experience a hot flash at least once. This is basically a feeling of extreme heat that lasts for a few moments.

This will make you feel palpitations and you will sweat excessively. The cause of this problem is the drop in estrogen levels.

One of the benefits of turmeric is that it is rich in antioxidants and phytoestrogens that prevent this and reduce the frequency of hot flashes.

6. Reduces the risk of vaginal infections and urinary incontinence

The reduction in estrogen and vaginal atrophy increases the risk of suffering from vaginal infections.

Once you are in menopause and postmenopause, it is normal to experience irritation, itching and abnormal vaginal discharge. It is also possible that you will suffer from incontinence.

Among the benefits of turmeric, we find antimicrobial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties, among others. In fact, turmeric is one of the most commonly used remedies to combat this problem.

7. Reduces Breast Pain and Breast Cancer Risk

Breast pain

Hormone levels can influence the development of breast cancer during and after menopause. One of the benefits of turmeric and its phytoestrogens  is that it reduces the risk of this disease.

Remember that you should pay attention to any symptoms, such as:

  • Chest pain
  • Uncomfortable feeling
  • Small nodules

In this way, the effect of turmeric helps to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Therefore, it is recommended to consume a little turmeric if you are undergoing cancer treatment.

Also, some phases of treatment can cause nausea. This can also be reduced with the help of turmeric.

Reap the benefits of turmeric for menopause and postmenopause

Now that you know these benefits, you definitely have more reasons to include turmeric in your diet. There are many options and one will definitely work for you:

  • Add 1 teaspoon (5 grams) of turmeric powder to a green smoothie.
  • Take a turmeric pill in the morning.
  • Add a 3cm piece of turmeric to your smoothies.

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