Six Exercises To Get Rid Of Neck Pain

You only need a few minutes a day for these exercises and they will help you get rid of neck pain as well as prevent it. In addition, these exercises will also help you relax and reduce stress.
Six exercises to get rid of neck pain

Have you ever had so much neck pain that you walked around like a robot all day? Here we tell you how to get rid of neck pain.

Neck pain is quite common. This condition is the result of various tasks that we have to perform on a daily basis and the fact that the muscles in our neck have to keep our heads up all day.

In this article, we share a series of exercises that can help you reduce the pain you experience in this part of your body.

Stress + bad posture = neck pain

Neck pain due to stress and poor posture

Daily obligations and problems along with poor posture are the main causes of neck pain. However, there are also a few conditions that can cause this problem. Nevertheless, in most cases, neck pain is the result of our daily habits.

The increasing tension in this part of the body indicates that we are putting uneven pressure on:

  • our bones
  • tendons
  • nerves
  • muscles

The longer we ignore this problem, the more difficult it will be to completely solve this problem. Our bodies compensate for this imbalance by engaging more tendons, bones, and muscles to prop up our heads, the purpose for which our necks serve.

The good news is that you can do stretching exercises for your neck. This way you can avoid the pain in parts of your body like the back of your neck, your shoulders, your head and even your back. In addition, it is also important to improve the posture you adopt when, for example, you are sitting at your desk, watching TV or lifting heavy bags.

Exercises to Soothe Neck Pain

You can perform these exercises at any time of the day and you can do them even if you are not experiencing neck pain. So this means that these exercises are not only useful to reduce pain, but also to prevent it in advance.

If our muscles and tendons are very strong, they will be less sensitive to pain. We recommend that you give this set of stretches a try.

Make it a habit to perform them every day.   This only takes a few minutes, so that you can resume your daily activities shortly after doing these exercises.

Before we look at the stretches that will help you relieve and prevent neck pain, it’s important to point out that the idea is to perform these exercises as slowly as possible and to put as little pressure on your neck as possible. to practice.

In addition, it is wise to warm up your neck and the surrounding parts of your body before you start with these exercises. For example, you can put a hot water bottle on your neck and on your shoulders.

Finally, you are supposed to do five reps of each exercise.

bow your head to the side

Exercises to Soothe Neck Pain
  • Sit up straight in a chair, so that your back is supported by the backrest.
  • Then put your hands on your knees.
  • Then bend your head to the right as far as you can.
  • Try to keep your chin above your shoulder.
  • Then bend your head back to the starting position and then bend your head to the left.
  • Try to hold each pose for at least a few seconds.

Bow your head to your shoulders

Bending your head up to your shoulders to ease neck pain

To do this exercise, start in the same position as in the previous exercise. However, the goal in this exercise is to bend your right ear as close to your right shoulder as you can.

You are supposed to try not to pull your arms and shoulders up while doing this. In addition, you should feel a little tension in your neck the moment you bow your head. Make sure to return to the starting position before bending your head to the left.

Bending your head forward and back

  • To do this exercise, initially sit on a chair. Make sure the chair is not against a wall. This will make it more difficult to perform the movements.
  • Then bend your head back, as if you were trying to look at the ceiling.
  • Open your mouth slightly so as not to put pressure on your jaw.
  • Remember to keep your back completely straight.
  • Return to the starting position, then bend your head forward so that your chin touches your chest. Try to bend your head as far as possible.
  • For this exercise to be successful, make sure you don’t arch your back.

Shoulder Lifts

As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, neck pain often affects your shoulders as well. That is why it is important to also perform the following exercise:

  • Sit in a chair again with your back completely straight.
  • Place your hands on your thighs or on your knees.
  • Then shrug your shoulders so that they touch your ears.
  • Return to the starting position and try to lower your shoulders as far as possible.

butterfly stretch

The butterfly stretch to soothe neck pain

For this exercise you are supposed to lie down. It doesn’t matter if you’re lying on your bed, on the couch or on the floor.

  • Place your hands behind your neck, as shown in the image above, but then clasp your hands together.
  • Your elbows are supposed to be on the side of your face.
  • If you’re doing this exercise on your bed, lower your arms so that your elbows are touching your mattress.

The lotus position

  • Sit on the floor in the cross-legged position.
  • If you can do this, try placing your feet on your knees.
  • Keep your back as straight as possible and stay in this position for a few minutes.

The first few times you do this exercise, it can be quite painful. However, this pain will become less and less as you get used to this position.

Some people place a few pads under their buttocks or knees to make the position a little more comfortable.

Instead of sitting on a chair, you could also perform all of the above exercises, except the butterfly stretch, in this position. In addition, you can also try to turn your head all the way around from this position.

To do this correctly, it can help to imagine that you are drawing a circle with your head. The aim is to perform this exercise as slowly as possible.

Also remember to open your mouth a little when you turn your head back.

Advice to prevent neck pain

In addition to doing these exercises regularly, there are some other tips that could help prevent neck pain. In addition, these tips can also help reduce the pain you already feel.

  • Never clamp your phone between your head and your shoulders when you’re on the phone with someone. Just hold it with your hand.
  • Use the back of your chair to fully support your back when sitting at your desk or at a table.
  • Make sure your computer screen is at eye level.
  • Buy an ergonomic pillow and try to sleep on your back.
  • Bend your knees when you want to pick something up from the floor.
  • Change position several times while working.
  • Try to avoid carrying bags that are too heavy. If you have no other choice, try to put as little burden on your shoulders as possible when carrying your bags.

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