Six Secrets To Get Healthy Silky Hair

The hair is one of our most important physical features. It is therefore important to give it a good treatment to keep it healthy and silky smooth. How can you best do that? Read on so we can tell you.
Six secrets to get healthy silky hair

There is no magic formula that can repair damaged hair overnight. However, there are many tricks to get healthy silky hair. The best part is that you don’t need expensive treatments.

In addition to applying external products, such as shampoo and conditioner, the hair also depends on other forms of care to maintain its vitality.

For example, you need to get certain nutrients through your diet to promote healthy growth. What else can you do? Read on to find out, we’re going to tell you all about it in more detail.

Secrets for healthy silky hair

There are many factors that can damage your hair. Direct sun exposure, the use of chemicals and hot appliances on your hair are some of them. And while there are currently many products and treatments on the market to counteract the damage, they are not always sufficient.

It is therefore essential that you lead a healthy lifestyle while ensuring an adequate supply of nutrients in your diet. In addition, you need to apply other forms of care to maintain healthy-looking hair. What? Still not sure what to do to get healthy silky hair? Then read on!

1. Choose products that suit you

A woman combs her hair

Choose hair products based on your hair and scalp types, this is the best way to ensure proper care. Choosing the wrong shampoo and hair treatments can cause hair deterioration. Therefore, you should choose the ones that are suitable for your hair type, be it oily, mixed or dry.

Also avoid products that contain aggressive components such as sodium lauryl sulfate. This is because they are quite aggressive to your hair and scalp. Keep in mind that price is not always synonymous with good quality.

2. Shower with cold water

While this tip may seem irrelevant, cold showers are great for maintaining healthy silky hair. You may not know it, but hot water opens the hair cuticles and can lead to excessive dryness and subsequent hair loss. However, cold water has the opposite effect. It protects the scalp and improves hydration.

3. Increase your protein intake

Foods with proteins

Proteins play an essential role in hair growth. You don’t have to eat all protein, but increase its consumption a little bit to promote healthy hair growth. This will prevent you from worrying about problems such as excessive loss.

Many people overlook this, but hair consists almost entirely of these proteins. So it is important to consume enough of this nutrient. You can get it from the following foods:

  • meat
  • poultry
  • fish
  • dairy products
  • Eggs
  • nuts

4. Eat More Food Sources That Contain Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Proper intake of omega-3 fatty acids through your diet is key to stimulating your hair follicles and sebaceous glands. If you want to keep your hair looking healthy and silky, you need to increase the consumption of the foods that contain these fats. These include:

  • fatty fish such as salmon, sardines and herring.
  • nuts and seeds.
  • extra virgin olive oil.
  • avocados.

5. Excessive washing is not conducive to healthy silky hair

Washing your hair every day is not exactly a healthy habit. Even though you may feel like it’s really clean, it can lead to a change in the natural production of oils in the long run. Frequent washing can promote a tendency to build up shampoo residue and leave other product residue on the hair strands.

So what should you do to have healthy silky hair? Wash it every other day. If your hair is too oily, opt for dry shampoo and/or astringent hair tonics.

6. Limit the use of hair straighteners and blow dryers

Healthy silky hair

Physical and chemical treatments change the structure of the hair, so you should use protective and restorative products. The overuse of curling irons, blow dryers and other thermal hair styling devices may be the main cause of hair damage.

While these tools help to achieve different hairstyles, they will definitely damage your hair and the hair follicles. Therefore, reserve them for special occasions and always use a thermo-protective treatment. Also, try applying a moisturizing or restorative product to your hair every time you use it.

Latest tips for healthy and silky hair

Finally, in addition to everything we said above, we leave you with these basic tips that you should keep in mind when taking care of your hair on a daily basis.

  • Dry your hair by gently patting the strands dry to absorb most of the water.
  • Do not brush it excessively and for a long time.
  • Use treatments that can protect hair from the sun (hats are a good option).
  • Massage your scalp with your fingertips and apply essential oils.
  • Apply a home treatment at least 2 times a week.

Is your hair dull and lifeless? Start applying all the tips you’ve learned here today and you’ll soon notice the difference. Consult your doctor if you have excessive hair loss or if you notice any other problem with your scalp. Certain hair problems can indicate other underlying problems.

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