Some People Have Very Little, Only Money

What good is having millions in your bank account if you don’t have loved ones to share and enjoy all that money with? You have to learn to prioritize and give each priority its proper place.
Some people have very little, only money

It is quite possible that this statement surprises you. Of course you need a certain amount of financial security to be able to live on this earth. However, remember that money does not always equal happiness.

There are people who are so poor in emotions, fun, friendship and love… all they have is money.

This is something you should think about carefully. If you take a closer look, you will see that a large part of your dreams probably depend on a bank account with a large amount of money on it.

Whether you are a person who believes that money does bring happiness or a person who thinks the complete opposite, we invite you to think about these questions for a moment.

Money and the two faces of happiness

happy wife

Like it or not, this is something we will never agree on. We don’t and neither do psychologists, sociologists or anthropologists. The difference is so great that there are even studies that justify both approaches.

The money that makes you happy is not based on the amount of things you have

This is the conclusion reached by a recent study conducted by the National Institute of Statistics in the United Kingdom. This curious fact is worth a closer look.

  • According to this study, which lasted several years and in which several people participated, happiness is linked to being in a good economic position.
  • This means that people are more satisfied when they know they have enough money. Money to pay the rent or mortgage or have a well-filled bank account. By contrast, having multiple houses, cars, precious antiques or land was not linked to happiness, according to the study.

Experts indicate that this situation is the result of the recent economic crisis. The sense of calm that comes with knowing that you are covered, should a problem or incident arise, gives people a better sense of well-being than the collection of objects or property.

According to psychologists, money does not buy happiness

Now let’s look at the other side of the coin. Groucho Marx once said, “There are a lot of things in life more important than money, but they cost so much!”

While it is true that stable economic security equates to a sense of well-being and the ability to support yourself and your family, the secret, as always, is balance and objectivity.

According to a study published by the University of British Columbia, money doesn’t buy happiness for the following reasons:

In the worst case scenario, money could make you less sad. However, you have to understand in this case that sadness is not the opposite of happiness. That is, if someone is not sad, it does not automatically mean that he is happy.

An example

To better understand this, let’s look at an example. Think of a billionaire. He wakes up every morning with relatively few responsibilities and the sole purpose of having fun and distracting himself.

He books a trip, throws a party and invites all kinds of people he may not even know. It will be a busy day where he won’t have to think too much. He may not feel sad either.

He will no doubt have a good time and be made to laugh several times. However, this does not necessarily mean that he is truly happy.

People who look every day for a reason not to feel sad or lonely do not necessarily make them happy.

As the University of British Columbia found and as psychologists argue, this is because a nicer home may reduce your daily sadness, but not necessarily make you happy. Happiness is discovered, it is not constructed.

An emotional sense of well-being does not depend on money

drawing woman in the clouds

Money can allow you to eat well, distract yourself and have beautiful, interesting and wonderful things… but if you think this will take care of your heart, then you are wrong.

  • Happiness resides in yourself and the bonds you build with others, with the people you love.
  • Affection cannot be bought. A child’s laughter cannot be converted into coins. Your dreams or the special moments you share with a friend or partner don’t match the money you have in your bank account. This kind of experience comes from emotions, from giving and receiving, love and sincerity.

No one can deny that money can make life a lot better and easier. However, a large amount in your bank account will never fill an empty soul and provide the pleasure and tranquility that humble people who have next to nothing exhibit on a daily basis.

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