Start The Artichoke Diet And Find Out What Happens To Your Body

If you want to lose weight with the artichoke diet, it is very important that you eat less saturated fats and add this vegetable to a healthy and balanced diet.
Start the artichoke diet and find out what happens to your body

The artichoke diet is not only good for weight loss.

So it’s very simple: you add one cooked artichoke to your diet every day. If you also drink enough water during the week, you will notice incredible and surprising effects.

On the other hand, we must also emphasize that this diet does not mean that you can only eat artichoke for a certain period of time.

The secret is to eat a varied and balanced diet. Try to use foods that are as natural as possible that do not contain saturated fats or refined flours. If you add artichokes to your diet, make sure to prepare them differently each day.

We will explain how you can do this in this article. In addition, we discuss the major changes, which you will notice after just a few days.

We are confident that this information about the artichoke diet will be very helpful.

How do you follow the artichoke diet?

The Artichoke Diet

Breakfast alternatives

  • White tea, toast with avocado and tomato, half a papaya
  • Coffee, a bowl of papaya, plain yogurt with nuts
  • Grapefruit juice, scrambled eggs with spinach and nuts.

Lunch alternatives

  • Artichokes with brown rice. An Apple.
  • Artichoke soup with turkey breast. One mango.
  • A salad with spinach, arugula and strawberries. An artichoke with some vinegar and lime.
  • Grilled artichoke, endive salad, lettuce, pomegranate, low-fat cheese, raisins and a few drops of lime.

Evening Meal Alternatives

With every choice of preparation we make, we must first boil the artichoke in a glass of water with a few drops of lime.

You can then choose from the list below:

  • Salmon and wild asparagus. Baked apple.
  • Baked Aubergine. pear jelly.
  • Zucchini soup, celery salad with green apple and nuts.
  • Grilled chicken breast with sprouts.

What will you determine after one week?

Results after a week of artichoke diet

A stronger immune system

Artichokes are known as a superfood. They contain multiple phytonutrients and antioxidants. Those elements are as powerful as the ingredients found in dark chocolate, cranberries and red wine.

In these vegetables you will also find anthocyanins such as quercetin. They can strengthen the immune system in a great way.

Better digestion

When you have followed the artichoke diet for two days, you will already notice that your digestion is working better.

  • Artichokes are a good remedy for indigestion and stomach upset.
  • In addition, cynarin is one of the best and most well-known components of artichoke. This element increases the production of bile. In this way it helps to make the foods and their residual waste move more easily through the intestines. It also reduces bloating. It’s really fantastic.
  • Another impressive aspect is the inulin contained in artichokes. This ingredient works exactly like a prebiotic. It is an ideal means to increase the number of “healthy” bacteria in the intestines.
artichoke diet

Artichokes are very effective in lowering the level of lipids such as bad cholesterol (LDL).

We can further add some positive characteristics of artichokes to the above list. That is the large number of antioxidants and their purifying and anti-inflammatory properties. So it is clear why this vegetable is so beneficial for the liver.

  • The two most powerful phytonutrients in artichokes are cynarin and silymarin.
  • These two elements tend to remain in the water after the artichokes are cooked. That is why we should also drink this water and make it part of this healthy diet.

It keeps your blood pressure under control

Foods high in potassium such as bananas, celery and artichokes help us maintain a healthy balance in the amount of electrolytes in our body.

In addition, artichokes are also rich in magnesium. This is an indispensable mineral to reduce the harmful effects of too much salt. This result is really necessary to lower blood pressure.

It helps you lose weight in a healthy way

We must not forget that there is no magical food that can help us in this process.

  • But we do have some foods that can support the systems that help us lose weight.
  • Artichokes are extremely important because they aid our digestion. That means they help us break down the most resistant fat.
  • As a result, these vegetables protect the liver. They are also diuretic and nutritious. In addition, they make you feel full and keep blood sugar levels under control.

Artichokes protect the brain

This is undoubtedly a very interesting fact: artichokes contain a lot of vitamin K. It is a very important component for brain blood vessel health and cognitive health.

Thanks to vitamin K, we can protect ourselves against damage and deterioration of nerve cells. At the same time, we reduce the risk of developing diseases such as dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

So, as you can see, we can conclude that these are all amazing and interesting benefits.

But be sure to remember this: The artichoke diet should always be accompanied by a balanced diet that does not contain saturated fats and refined flours.

Are you going to try it today?

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