Stop Your Cough With Natural Remedies

Coughing is usually not a big deal. It is usually caused by smoke, dust or cold. By coughing, your body clears your airways.
Stop your cough with natural remedies

Coughing is a common year-round discomfort. Cough can signal the presence of a slew of conditions, such as the flu, allergies, colds, lung problems, and more. It is also a way for the body to quickly get rid of harmful substances that are in the respiratory tract.

In general, coughing is uncomfortable and creates discomfort throughout the body, which can worsen the situation.

What to do with a cough?

Natural remedies are generally very good for treating the cough. You can make them yourself without spending a ton of money or energy. We describe below the preparation processes of remedies that relieve the cough.

1. Onion


This onion-based remedy is one of the most effective for coughing. With its fantastic disinfectant, cough suppressant and expectorant properties, it helps relieve a lot of ailments. Onion enzymes also help oxygen stick to cells, making breathing easier.

It is rich in trace elements and minerals, such as:

  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • chlorine
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron
  • Iodine
  • Potassium
  • Sulfur
  • Zinc
  • And others

It also contains a large amount of vitamins A, B, C and E.

We are going to show you two possible ways how to use onion for a homemade remedy.

How are you?

First method:

The process is simple, although it may take a little time.

  • This method requires you to peel the onion from the skin and cut it into small pieces.
  • Put it in a bowl and add the juice of one lemon and a little honey to it.
  • After all the ingredients are well mixed, let it stand for about six hours.
  • Once that time is up, you can drink three tablespoons of the mixture.
  • Do this three times a day for as long as you like so that you gradually feel better.

Second method:

  • First, slice the onion and put it on a plate.
  • Then leave the plate on your nightstand. You don’t have to do anything else.
  • You will notice that your cough decreases while you sleep, allowing you to rest better.

2. Garlic


Like onions, garlic has several properties that fight respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular and epidermis problems. It is a great bactericidal agent. It is also a powerful disinfectant and detoxifier.

Healing with garlic is generally safe.

What should I do?

You want to have a syrup based on garlic. To make that, all you need is a few cloves of garlic, thyme and olive oil.

  • Place the garlic in a blender and then mix with the thyme and olive oil.
  • Once you have a thick mixture that is tasty enough to drink, it’s ready.
  • We recommend drinking one tablespoon before breakfast for better effect. Drink this syrup every day.

3. Expector Juice

This is without a doubt the best option compared to the previous two in terms of taste and smell. We are going to combine the healing properties of grapes and celery.

Celery has relaxing properties, which dilate blood vessels and allow blood to flow more freely. It is also very good for regulating body fluids, helping the body to eliminate excess fluids.

What is the process?

To make a healing expectorant juice, you need one small bunch of grapes, a few celery stalks and as much water as you want.

  • First, put all ingredients in a blender and mix well.
  • Drink the juice in the evening and if possible do not leave the house.

Does it work?

In general, these natural homemade remedies are very effective, but without a doubt the success depends on you. Try to eat citrus fruits, stay well hydrated, don’t go outside on cold nights and dress appropriately.

Note: If your cough gets worse or persists, see a doctor. Take care of yourself!

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