Sweet And Potent: 8 Unknown Uses Of Honey

Honey doesn’t just help sweeten your recipes. There are many other ways to use honey. As it has healing properties, it is a great resource for inner and outer health.
Sweet and potent: 8 unknown uses of honey

We all know the usual ways to use honey. But this natural product also contains countless good properties. There are therefore an incredible number of unknown uses of honey.

Get to know those properties and make the most of that big pot of honey!

This product is not only antiseptic and an excellent natural source of energy. It has many other properties.

Here are some examples of honey applications:

  • Sweetener
  • Invigorating
  • soothing
  • Laxative
  • Diuretic

8 unknown uses of honey

1. Perfect for preserving fruit

Honey is the perfect way to preserve fruit.

So instead of using sugar, you can pickle the fruit in a syrup that you make from sweet honey.

How can you make this syrup?

  • Do you intend to preserve sweet fruits? Then use one part honey and one part water.
  • If you are canning sour fruit, however, you will need two parts of the product and one liter of water.
  • Mix both ingredients very well. Then cover the fruit with this mixture.
  • Store it in an airtight jar. That is it! Your pickled fruits with honey!

2. Relaxing Properties


Honey is the perfect ingredient to provide you with a moment of relaxation that you deserve after a long day.

How do you use it to relax?

  • To take advantage of this property, fill the bath with warm water and add a few tablespoons of honey.
  • As we mentioned, this product has relaxing properties. So it will help you to relieve your stress. And if that weren’t enough, the bath water will also have a pleasant scent.

3. Shiny hair by using honey

Do you want healthy hair that is shiny, silky and strong? You will not be able to do without this remedy.

How do you use honey to care for your hair?

  • Put a tablespoon of honey in a liter of warm water. Then mix well until completely dissolved.
  • Now put the shampoo in your hair and rinse. Then pour a little of the honey mixture on your hair. Do not rinse this out.
  • You can also apply a very small amount of undiluted honey to the ends of the hair. After a while you will notice how your hair looks well hydrated.

4. Natural Exfoliator


When we combine honey with other ingredients, we also have the perfect exfoliant for the skin.

How do you make this remedy to exfoliate the skin?

  • Make a paste with honey, ground almonds and lemon juice.
  • Apply this mixture on your face. Do this in circular motions.
  • Then rinse your face with cool water. Then dry it without rubbing hard.

5. Cleansing Lotion


And it’s not just a great exfoliant. You can also use it to remove impurities from the skin.

Honey is a natural antibacterial product and much gentler than soap. As a result, it does not strip away the natural oils from the skin. On the other hand, it will soften the skin and remove blackheads and pimples.

How do you use it to cleanse the skin?

  • It’s very simple. First wet your skin with warm water.
  • Then take less than a teaspoon of honey in your hands. Rub it over your hands.
  • Now massage it on your face using circular motions. Make sure your entire face is covered.
  • For a thorough clean, leave it on for five to ten minutes.
  • Then rinse the face well with warm water and dry it.

6. Honey Body Lotion

With this product you can make a fantastic body lotion. Because it also acts as a natural moisturizer.

Before you start making the lotion, you must first gather some aromatic herbs. You probably have them at home. Lavender is a great ingredient to add!

How do you make this lotion?

  • Heat a little honey in a bowl until it is completely liquid. When it’s done, pour it over the herbs.
  • Place this mixture in an airtight container and let it rest for the rest of the week.
  • After this period, add a tablespoon of water and mix well.
  • This will ensure that the lotion has a better consistency. It will also be easier to smear it on the skin.

7. A Perfect Parasite Control


Honey has therapeutic properties and vinegar is an acidic product. With these two ingredients you can make an excellent remedy to fight parasites yourself.

How do you prepare it?

  • Mix equal parts honey, apple cider vinegar and water.
  • Drink this mixture several times a day for two months to completely cleanse yourself. You will very well notice the difference.

8. Tackling Anxiety

The last of the uses of honey that we want to discuss is that it can help calm your anxiety. How are you doing this? You can eat the honey pure or mix it with a relaxing tea, such as chamomile or lavender.

If you have stomach problems as a result of your nervousness, mix the juice of one lemon with a little honey and ginger and drink this remedy.

Did you already know these uses of honey?

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