Taking Care Of Yourself After Cesarean Section

A cesarean section is a safe procedure, but like all surgeries, it carries some risk. Find out how to take care of yourself after delivering your baby by cesarean section.
Taking care of yourself after a caesarean section

It is important to take good care of yourself after a caesarean section. It is a safe surgery, but there are potential risks of complications afterwards. Before we get started, let’s talk about what the surgery entails.

What is a Caesarean Section?

According to a literature review, Caesarean section is delivery of the baby through the mother’s abdomen through an incision through the abdominal wall and uterus. Technically, it consists of two operations:

  • a laparotomy
  • a hysterotomy

Hence the complexity and the resulting potential risks. This major surgery is necessary when the life of the mother and the baby is in danger.

However, its success and advancements in technology are making it a favorite for young, new moms. However, it is very important to take good care of yourself after a caesarean section.

What are the possible risk factors of cesarean section?

Doctor holding pregnant woman's hand

A cesarean section is a major operation. The associated risks are therefore greater than with a vaginal delivery. Although it is a very safe surgery, there are potential complications, especially for the woman.

These may include:

  • severe bleeding
  • urinary tract infections
  • skin incision infections
  • complications from the anesthetic
  • damage to nearby organs

Taking care of yourself after a caesarean section

After surgery, you will likely be concerned about caring for your baby, but you may also experience symptoms such as nausea and drowsiness. Let your doctor know how you feel so he or she can prescribe medication if necessary.

After 24 hours you are often given permission to get up and move. They probably also recommend showering around the third day to avoid infection of the wound.

Most women leave the hospital in two or three days after a cesarean section. That gives the doctor time to do whatever it takes to care for you after surgery. Following are some guidelines that may be helpful once you get home.

1. Get moving, but start slow

Scar cesarean section

Although your stitches have now been removed, be very careful not to put too much strain on yourself or you could hurt yourself. Try taking short walks to speed up your recovery, but nothing else.

Don’t do housework and don’t carry anything heavy except your baby. That means you need all the help from family and friends. If you have to sneeze, cough, or laugh, press the incision site with a pillow. After a few weeks, your doctor will tell you when and how to return to your daily activities.

2. Take care of your baby properly

Feeding your baby may seem simple. However, remember that the anesthetic has worn off and your incision will hurt. The medical team will show you how to hold your baby in a way that requires the least amount of effort while breastfeeding .

They will probably teach you to place your baby’s head on your chest and legs under your arm so that he/she doesn’t press on the wound on your stomach while feeding.

3. Be patient as your uterus returns to its normal shape

Mother with baby

Once your baby is born, your uterus begins the process of returning to its original size and shape. To do that, your body will drain a fluid of blood and dead tissue from your uterus. It is red and is called puerperium or lochia.

It may take six weeks or less and during this time you can use the compresses your hospital provides or your own. The color of the lochia will change over time until it becomes clear or yellowish.

4. Drink enough water

In addition to all the other benefits of proper hydration, drinking water can also help prevent constipation. But you have to urinate often or your bladder will fill up and  press against your incision.

5. Intimacy

Intimacy After Caesarean Section

In this area it is usually recommended to wait 6 to 8 weeks. That said, you should ask your doctor about this, as he/she knows your specific situation and can tell you how long to wait before being intimate again.

6. Keep an eye out for signs of infection

A study has identified some of the most common problems after cesarean delivery. One was an infection of the incision and another was endometriosis caused by microorganisms, such as Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.

While infection rates are declining due to technological advances in medical procedures, keeping an eye on infection is an important way to care for yourself after a cesarean delivery. Some possible signs of infection are:

  • increasing pain
  • Fever
  • Red color, pus, or a warm feeling around the incision
  • Stinky Vaginal Discharge
  • dark colored urine
  • Severe leg pain or swelling

To conclude

It’s true that recovery from a cesarean delivery usually takes much longer than a vaginal delivery, as does the period after you have to take care of yourself. However, a doctor will help you decide the best way to deliver your baby.

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