The 5 Best Fruits For The Liver And Kidneys

Do you want to know how you can take better care of the health of your liver and kidneys? Nature also provides an indispensable helper to keep your liver and kidneys healthy, namely fruit.
The 5 best fruits for the liver and kidneys

Do you want to know how you can take better care of the health of your liver and kidneys ? First of all, it is especially important that you have a healthy lifestyle. An essential part of this is that you maintain a diet in which you eat limited amounts of salt and fat.

But other important parts to keep in mind are regular exercise, quitting smoking, and managing your emotions appropriately. Fortunately, nature also offers an indispensable help to ensure that your liver and kidneys remain healthy, namely fruit.

In this article we therefore look at the best fruits to help us take good care of our liver and kidneys. So keep reading!

The 5 best fruits for the liver and kidneys

1. Watermelon

Watermelon and Pear

Watermelon… who doesn’t love watermelon? That delicious light fruit that can be so refreshing in the summer and that you can mix well in several fruit juices. You can even add watermelon to your lunch or evening meal. Have you ever made a salad with spinach, cheese, nuts, watermelon and mint? This is really divine.

Now let’s look at some of the reasons watermelon is so good for the liver and kidneys:

  • Watermelon is  one of the best fruits to cleanse the kidneys and promote proper liver function , thanks to its diuretic properties and ability to detoxify the body.
  • It is healthiest to consume a watermelon juice. A juice can be absorbed faster into the bloodstream and body tissue. This stimulates kidney function.
  • Always opt for fresh watermelon. When a watermelon is too ripe, this fruit presents more problems than benefits.

2. Cranberries

berry juice

It is best to consume cranberries (also called cranberries in Dutch) in the form of a pure juice. Cranberry juice is not only delicious, but also optimizes liver, kidney and bladder function. These are some of the great properties of the cranberry:

  • Cranberries are a natural antioxidant and one of the best fruits you can find for naturally detoxifying the body.
  • The deep red berries help to remove toxins, purify the body and bloodstream and protect against the damaging effects of free radicals.
  • One of the best-known properties of the cranberry is its ability to prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall. Believe it or not, this is positive for the entire gastrointestinal tract.

3. Lemon

Lemon and Honey

Lemon and lemon juice are arguably some of the best natural and medicinal things to consume on a daily basis. We’ve talked about the benefits of drinking a glass of warm lemon water on an empty stomach on our blog before. However, it is also important to know that drinking warm lemon water on an empty stomach is also a great way to keep your liver and kidneys healthy.

  • Lemons have a natural detoxifying effect that can help treat fatty liver, for example .
  • Lemons are rich in vitamins and minerals and therefore optimize and strengthen the function of the liver and kidneys.
  • Another benefit of lemons is that this fruit helps to break down food when it ends up in the stomach. As a result, lemons promote good digestion.

4. Apples


Green apples, red apples… take your pick, they’re all great! Pick your favorite variety or just pick the apple that looks best, because all apples are equally good for the liver and kidneys while protecting your heart health. Why not add a few slices of apple to your breakfast today? Apples really are a fantastic option. However, do not leave the skin on – the skin is the healthiest!

  • Not only do apples help control levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the bloodstream, but they also promote proper kidney function and help detoxify the liver.
  • To get the most benefit, it would be best to eat an apple every day. However, make sure you wash the apple well and always eat it with the skin on.

5. Blue grapes


Always choose the darkest grapes. Why? Dark grapes are richer in antioxidants and other medicinal properties than white grapes.

  • Blue grapes are highly diuretic and thus help to purify the kidneys and improve liver function.
  • As you probably already know, blue grapes are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and they also ensure that toxins and other harmful waste are better removed from the body.
  • Blue grapes contain a large amount of water,  because they consist of almost 80% water. This makes this grape suitable for daily consumption. Always eat blue grapes with the skin, just like apples, because a large part of the benefits that this fruit offers is in the skin.
  • You can consume grapes in so many different ways, for example for breakfast along with some oatmeal and Greek yogurt or in a salad with some spinach, nuts, cheese and even a few pieces of watermelon if you like.
  • If you are now wondering whether it is also good for the liver and kidneys to drink a glass of red wine daily, the answer is: yes! Red wine mainly owes its benefits to the resveratrol contained in the drink. Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant found in blue grapes and, according to several studies, is great for treating fatty liver. However, remember to stick to one glass a day… all in moderation! 

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