The Benefits Of Doing The Plank

The plank is an excellent exercise for strengthening not only your abs, but also other parts of the body. This is because it works several muscles at once.
The benefits of doing the plank

There are many benefits to doing the plank, despite the fact that it is such a simple exercise. They strengthen both the muscles of your abdomen and your back. Read on to learn more about the many benefits of doing the plank.

How do you do the plank?

Woman does the plank in the street

The exercise itself is simple. All you need is plenty of room to stretch out. Your own body weight is the force that makes doing the plank effective.

  • To start, place your elbows and forearms on the floor. Make sure to line up your elbows with your shoulders.
  • Meanwhile, your forearms and wrists should line up with your elbows. Your arms should form a straight line as shown in the image above.
  • Then stretch your legs behind you and put your toes on the floor, as if you were lying on your stomach.
  • Then push your body up, propped up on your elbows and your toes. Keep your back straight and in line with your legs. Look down with your chin near your neck, but don’t pull your chin or neck too tight.
  • Hold this position for the desired amount of time (20-30 seconds is recommended).

In this pose, the muscles of your abdomen, buttocks and thigh muscles are put to work. When you are back in your original position, rest for about a minute and then do the exercise three to five more times.

The benefits of doing the plank

1. It strengthens key muscles

Doing the plank alone will not give you a flat stomach. However, when combined with a balanced diet and cardio workouts, you can achieve amazing results.

The plank works the muscles of your torso, including the obliques. That’s the foundation for having stronger and more refined straight abs (often referred to by the English word ” abs”).

For people who suffer from spinal problems or persistent back pain, doing the plank is safer than sit-ups because the spine is not bent.

2. It reduces the risk of injuries

The plank not only works your abs, but also the muscles in your back, legs and arms. In this way it is a complete body exercise. In addition, having strong abs can help you avoid neck and shoulder pain from poor posture.

3. It Helps Improve Your Metabolism

The plank is a simple exercise with little to no movement, making it perfect for those who exercise at home. If you do this exercise for just a few minutes a day, it can already speed up your metabolism.

4. It helps improve your posture

A woman does the plank

The plank works your entire torso, from your pelvis to your shoulders. When these muscles — including the lumbar muscles and the trapezius — are strong, you’ll naturally have a straighter back and better posture. Good posture promotes better breathing and the functioning of the nervous system.

5. It improves coordination

By training multiple muscles at once, you teach your body to act as a unit rather than as a set of separate parts. In general, doing the plank will also help you with other types of exercises. The muscles strengthened and strengthened by the plank help you when running, swimming or walking.

The conventional plank trains your muscles to work together, while variations on the conventional plank help improve your balance, such as:

  • on your side
  • with one hand
  • with one leg
  • moving

6. It helps improve your flexibility and general mood

Flexibility is not only the result of stretching exercises. It can also be improved by doing certain other exercises, such as performing certain types of plank exercises. These help to tone and stretch all the muscles of the back and legs.

While most exercises help improve your mood, planks help strengthen and stretch your muscles if they have become stiff from sitting in one position for a long period of time. Releasing tension relaxes your muscles and helps reduce stress.

Overall, this simple exercise will help improve your general physical fitness and provide you with several other benefits. Start doing the plank and you’ll soon experience the benefits for yourself!

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