The Benefits Of Letting Your Tears Flow

Crying helps us feel better. Even if our problems are still there, it is the best way to heal the heart. Don’t hold back your tears if you want them to flow.
The benefits of letting your tears run wild

Letting your tears flow will help you more than fighting them in difficult times. If you try to hold them back, you are denying yourself an outlet for your emotions.

Today we analyze the benefits of letting your tears flow. Tears are a way to clear negative emotions so that they don’t settle inside us and then come out when you suffer from:

  • stress
  • depression
  • pain
  • fear
  • frustration

It is true that one of the main functions of tears is to protect the eyes from external irritation and dirt. On the other hand, the tears can also be a sign of courage, strength and authenticity. Crying is necessary to stay healthy and relieve stress.

Despite all the benefits, keep in mind that not every environment lends itself to relieving grief. But you know what? You can still cry!

Three kinds of tears

Three kinds of tears

Tears moisten our eyes to protect them by removing irritants. In addition, they reduce stress hormones and contain antibodies that fight pathogenic bacteria.

So keep in mind that there are three types of tears:

  • Reflex tears.  Reflex tears appear when there is a dangerous situation. They contain antibodies that help the eyes remove harmful particles when they are irritated. Think, for example, of particles that come from smoke, gas or dust.
  • Constant tears. This type of tearing occurs regularly to keep the eyes moist. They contain a chemical called lysozyme. They also have an antibacterial function and thus protect the eyes from infections.
  • Emotional tears.  These tears are caused by intense feelings such as happiness, but also sadness. They have special benefits for our emotional health because they keep us from suppressing intense emotions that could otherwise lead to anxiety or depression.

The benefits of letting your tears run free

1. It helps to connect with others

Connecting with others and letting your tears run free

We know that on occasion you can be afraid to show your feelings to certain friends, especially if you feel like crying. However, you must realize that crying is the best way to open up to someone else.

If you need to cry and you feel comfortable enough with that person, just let the tears flow. No doubt good friends will appreciate your sincere tears.

2. It takes away tension

You can’t move forward while always hiding your feelings. Carrying all that baggage is harmful to your mental health. In that sense, it’s best to cry when you need to.

While it won’t solve your problems right away, it will give you a different perspective on things and you may even find a solution in difficult times. Remember, all problems have a solution. In the meantime, it’s important to let go of all the emotions you’re experiencing through it. Cry as much as you need to and don’t worry, time heals all wounds.

3. It helps to deal with stress

Emotions don’t always make sense. If you’re trapped in your emotions, it can help you find the reason why you’re trying to hide your tears. The moment you become aware of a problem that requires your attention, you will find a way to counteract the stress it causes.

4. It improves your mood

Crying is without a doubt an excellent way to improve your mood during difficult times. It is one way you can relieve the pain of repressed emotions. In fact, in most cases people feel much better after a potty cry.

5. It changes your perspective

It changes your perspective

It is possible that when you cry, you become more aware of your weaknesses. Then it allows you to face your problems and find a different and more suitable perspective to deal with difficult situations. Crying is liberating after all.

6. It’s Healthy

Crying is n’t just about expressing your emotions. It is an expression mechanism that reduces anxiety and depression. In addition, it releases hormones that lower manganese levels. In large amounts, this mineral may be responsible for:

  • fatigue
  • irritability
  • depression

7. It restores emotional balance

Crying doesn’t just happen in response to sadness or difficulties. Sometimes you can also cry with happiness, or fear or stress. In all cases, tears help to restore emotional balance.

8. It makes you grow

If you are able to stay true to yourself by facing your vulnerabilities and limitations, you will move forward in life. Keep in mind that crying can promote your personal growth. If you don’t allow yourself to cry, you’re dragging a piece of baggage full of tension with you, as long as you don’t let it go.

Some concluding remarks

Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to encourage you to put behind you any old misconceptions you may have learned about crying. It is a fact that crying is healthy because it helps to get rid of sadness and stress and it is a way to express happiness.

Crying does not make us weak. In fact, it’s just the opposite: only those who have the courage are willing to make themselves vulnerable by expressing their emotions freely. If you hold back your tears, you will end up hurting more in the long run.

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