The Best Resistance Band Exercises

There are different types of resistance bands. Make a choice based on your options. You can then gradually increase the difficulty of the exercises. When you have acquired some more strength, you can also increase the number of exercises.

More and more people are training at home using this professional material. That is why in this article we want to explain more about the best exercises that you can do with a resistance band. They help you to train different muscle groups and body parts.

You can buy resistance bands in sports stores. To use them, attach them to the door, window, chair, or anywhere else you can use them.

Many people “hate” abdominal exercises or find them annoying. That’s why it’s a good idea to add the resistance band to your workout and train your abs in a good way.

1. Bring the legs to the chest

  • Secure the strap to something at floor height. The other end is tied to your feet.
  • Lie on your back and place your hands under your butt.
  • Now bring your legs to the chest and bend the knees.
  • Then lower the legs again but do not touch the floor with the heels.
  • Repeat this exercise twenty times.

2. Simple Abs Exercises

  • Apply the resistance band in the same way as in the previous exercise. But now you grab the other end with your hands.
  • Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor.
  • Now lift the torso. Then extend the arms so that they come between your legs.
  • Repeat this exercise twenty times.

3. Lateral Abs Exercises

Side abdominal exercises with the resistance band
  • Push the resistance band down with your left foot.
  • Lie on your side with your left leg up.
  • Now bend the knee until you touch the torso. At the same time, bring your arms to your chest. The aim is for the knee and elbow to meet.
  • Repeat this exercise ten times and then switch sides.

3. Cycling

  • Wrap the resistance band around both feet but make sure they are separated from each other. Always keep your legs bent (and in the air).
  • Bring the right knee to the abdomen and touch the knee to the left elbow.
  • Then do the same with the left knee and right elbow.
  • Try to perform the alternating movement smoothly.
  • Repeat the exercises twenty times.

5. The obliques

resistance band
  • Grasp the ends of the resistance band with one hand.
  • Lie on your back with your legs bent.
  • Try to touch the right heel with the right hand. Do the same on the left.
  • Repeat the exercise ten times on both sides.

Now we are going to use the resistance band on another body part, the arms (biceps, triceps, shoulders, and so on).

1. Biceps Flex

Biceps Flex with the Resistance Band
  • Push the resistance band down with one foot. Take the ends in each hand.
  • You hold the arms against the torso.
  • You just need to move the elbows and the forearms (lift them up).
  • Repeat the exercise twenty times.

2. Triceps Extensions

  • Tie the resistance band somewhere low (at floor level).
  • Grab the ends behind your back.
  • Now bend the arms so that the elbows touch the ears.
  • Extend the arms up and then return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise twenty times.

3. Triceps Stretches

  • For this exercise, you need to hang the resistance band up.
  • Hold the ends in your hands.
  • Stand straight with your back straight. Stretch the arms back and bend the elbows (keeping the shoulders and biceps against the torso).
  • Repeat the exercise twenty times.

4. Wrist Flex

  • Sit on a chair or bench. Push the resistance band down with one foot.
  • With the opposite arm, hold the other end of the band. Rest the elbow on the thigh.
  • Now lift the forearm and wrist as high as possible.
  • Repeat the exercise twenty times.

5. Biceps Scott

  • Attach the resistance band to an object at waist height.
  • Then grab the ends with one hand.
  • Now extend the arms and straighten the back.
  • Now bring the forearms back so that the fists are touching your face.
  • Repeat the exercise twenty times.

1. Forward Squat

  • Stand with both feet on the band. Then spread the legs shoulder-width apart.
  • Grab the ends with both hands. Now bend the arms so that the fists are at shoulder height.
  • Now lower the torso and buttocks without slackening the strap.
  • Repeat the exercise fifteen times.

2. Stretch the legs

  • Tie the resistance band to an object at ankle height. Attach the other end to your right ankle.
  • Keep your back straight and now walk forward until you feel tension in the band.
  • Place your hands at your sides to balance.
  • Bend the right knee and move it up to the stomach.
  • Then move back and straighten the leg.
  • Then return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise ten times, then switch sides.

3. Bumps

resistance band
  • Place one end of the resistance band under one foot. Take the other end in both hands.
  • Grab the free leg and bend both knees.
  • You should keep the arms bent in the meantime and the fists at shoulder height.
  • Repeat the exercise ten times, then switch sides.

4. Hip Stretches

  • Sit on a couch or chair. Use the resistance band to keep the thighs as close together as possible.
  • Meanwhile, the feet remain together continuously.
  • Now open the legs at knee height and stretch the band as far as you can.
  • Then return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise twenty times.

5. Stretching Exercises for the Feet

  • Tie one end of the resistance band somewhere at ankle height. Then fasten the other end to the right ankle.
  • Lie on your side and stretch the band as far as you can.
  • Place your hands on your waist to balance.
  • Lift the right leg as high as possible. Then lower it and cross it in front of your left leg.
  • Repeat the exercise ten times. Then do the exercise with the other leg. 

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