The Best Swimming Lesson Tips For Kids

If you want to teach your child how to swim, it is important for him to see it as a fun activity and not an obligation. This increases the chance that he will continue to enjoy it.
The best swimming lesson tips for children

Swimming is one of the healthiest and most complete sports you can practice. Almost all of your muscles are put to work while swimming, and it is also a very enjoyable activity. In this article, we share some of the best swimming lesson tips for kids.

Spending time in the pool with family and friends is an experience you will remember for a lifetime. Discover the simplest and safest tricks that will help your child enjoy swimming.

By playing games with your child, teaching him some discipline and informing him about the precautions he should take, there is a good chance that he will enjoy this sport. Show your son or daughter that swimming is fun with the following swimming lessons for kids.

The best swimming lesson tips for children

Teach your child to swim without fear

Swimming without fear

The first obstacle you are likely to encounter when teaching your child to swim is fear. To overcome fear, we recommend getting your child used to water as early as possible.

The goal is to create as normal a situation as possible. If your child comes into contact with water for the first time, it is therefore important that you or your partner do so together. In this way, he builds confidence and can enjoy the activity in a relaxed way.

  • One way to make sure your child feels safe in the water is to practice in a small amount of water. Therefore, start in the shallow part of the pool, where he can stand and not be afraid of going under.
  • It is also important that the water is warm. After all, a child’s skin is very sensitive, and you want your child to feel physically at ease. With his parents by his side, he’s ready to go!

Breathing exercises in the bathtub

The bathtub at home is the ideal place for the first breathing lesson. Some examples of exercises your child can do in the bathtub:

  • Ask your child to put his face in the water and blow bubbles underwater. This is a good start to get him used to the breathing that comes with swimming.
  • The bathtub is a safe place where your child can practice submerging their head. That’s how he experiences what that feels like. For example, put an object on the bottom of the bathtub and have your child find it.

The best way to learn something new is to play. So never force your child to put his head under water! Some children are just more daring, while other children are more careful in the water. Ultimately, they can all become good swimmers, as long as you respect their learning and motivate them.

Step-by-step on the way to the pool

If you are going to the pool with your child for the first time, let him get used to it first. Sit with him at the edge of the pool, with your feet in the water.  That way your child can get used to the temperature of the water. Let him do a little paddling and kick his feet in the water.

After a while, you can persuade him to go into the water with you. Hold your child and take him to the shallow end of the pool. There he can stand and walk around in the water.

With or without propellants?

One tip that has proven its effectiveness is to limit the use of flotation devices as much as possible. Your child can become dependent on that, and that dependence is difficult to unlearn later. In addition, they give him a false sense of security while swimming.

The first movements in the pool

swimming lesson tips

The goal is for your child to enjoy swimming. Therefore, do not get angry if he no longer feels like a certain swimming exercise. Play a game the first few times you are in the water with your child. Just make sure the game is appropriate for his age and abilities. Some nice examples of water games:

  • Between the parents : you and your partner stand a short distance from each other. One of you holds the child and passes it on to the other. Now gradually increase the distance between you. Your baby will instinctively perform his first swimming strokes.
  • Find the prize: keep your child horizontal in the water, and put a toy on the bottom of the pool. Then encourage your child to reach for the object. Move the toy closer to you at first, then move a little further away.
  • Airplane: Your child is holding onto your shoulders from your back. You stretch out your arms like an airplane. Then you ‘fly’ with him through the water.

We are sure that these swimming lesson tips for kids will be very helpful if you want to teach your child how to swim. Hopefully they will eventually enjoy this fun and healthy activity!

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