The Best Ways To Shape Your Neck And Double Chin

Eating healthier, drinking more water, keeping your neck well hydrated, and performing these exercises daily can help reduce a double chin.
The best ways to shape your neck and double chin

If you have a double chin, it actually means that you have accumulated fat under your chin. Losing weight can also be a cause, causing the skin to droop under the chin.

Most people consider this a beauty problem. For some, it can even seriously affect their self-confidence.

What many people don’t know or forget is that the presence of a double chin can also indicate heart problems. That’s why it’s so important to change your lifestyle. You should adopt healthy habits that help keep your weight under control.

In addition, we provide you with a number of tips and exercises that can help you to prevent the accumulation of fat. You will also learn how to improve tightness in this zone.

Exercises and tips to reduce your double chin and shape your neck

Both the face and neck contain many muscles that determine the firmness of the skin that covers them. These muscles prevent wrinkles from appearing and fat from accumulating in the neck region. 

However, many people forget that you need to train these muscles, like all other muscles, regularly to keep them strong. In addition, the  skin also needs extra nutrients to remain stretchy and firm.

Keeping these aspects in mind, we’ve put together a simple routine, along with two additional recommendations, to help you achieve this goal.

tight chin

Exercise 1

  • Stand up straight with your back straight and your mouth closed. Now make circular movements with your tongue against your roof.
  • Repeat this three times a day.

Exercise 2

  • Sit in a comfortable place with your back straight and as relaxed as possible.
  • Say all the vowels, in an exaggerated way, so that you open your mouth as far as possible.
  • Do this in sets of ten. Repeat this exercise daily, two to three times a day.
neck stretch

Exercise 3

  • Sit in a comfortable chair with your back straight and your arms crossed.
  • Stretch your neck forward and slowly twist to the left or right  until you reach your furthest point.
  • Hold this pose for two seconds and then return to the original position. Now repeat this exercise to the other side.
  • Repeat this ten times a day.

Exercise 4

Exercise 4

  • Tense the muscles in your neck as much as possible and then try to frown.
  • Repeat this five times, two to three times a day.
Chewing gum

Exercise 5

  • Buy your favorite chewing gum and use it to train the muscles in your neck and face.
  • Chew excessively for at least ten minutes.
  • Repeat this exercise two to three times a day.

Hydration to reshape the neck

To give your neck more shape, it is essential that you drink more water and use moisturizing products. Therefore, drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day to prevent dehydration and to provide your skin with better oxygen.

Also nourish your skin with a nourishing cream that also tightens the skin at the same time. In the neck region, this can help reduce the size of your double chin. It also helps to eat more fruits and vegetables, as they contain antioxidants that are good for your skin.

Beautiful neck without double chin

Massages with wheat germ oil

A massage with wheat germ oil is very useful to tighten the skin in the area of ​​your double chin. This product is very high in vitamin E, a nutrient that nourishes, shapes and tightens the skin.

Massage from the chin to the lower parts of the neck by pressing gently with your fingertips. Repeat this every day, in the morning and before going to bed.

Apple and beet juice

Drinking apple and beet juice regularly can help you eliminate toxins and excess fluids more easily. These factors can lead to a double chin.

It is low in calories, rich in antioxidants and makes you feel full. As a result, you will eat less.


  • 2 apples
  • 1/2 beet
  • 1/2 glass of water (100 ml)


  • Place the apple and beetroot in a blender.
  • Mix in half a glass of water.
  • Drink the juice before breakfast at least three times a week.

Remember that these recommendations will only work if you follow the instructions consistently. The results are also not immediately visible and may differ from person to person.

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