The Dangers Of Creams According To The Experts

The dangers of creams can be easily avoided. We must follow specific advice to ensure the correct use of the product. In this article we tell you all about these tips!
The dangers of creams according to the experts

We bet you’ve never heard of the dangers of creams. Who doesn’t use creams or cosmetics these days? There are so many places where we can buy these products. In addition, they come in different price ranges so that they are available to everyone.

However, most people are not aware of the dangers of creams that are not sold in specialized stores. In these stores, no one can tell us how best to use them.

It is for this reason that the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS) has prepared a report to warn against the misuse of these cosmetics. The goal is to try and reduce the associated risks.

This report, known as “Good Practices When Using Cosmetic Products” (Spanish link) is divided into two main sections:

  • Incorrect use of products.
  • Bad habits associated with the use of products.

Let’s take a look at the dangers of creams if you don’t use them properly. We recommend putting these tips into practice to reduce the risks they can cause.

The most common misuses of creams

One of the worst habits we have when using creams is not giving the product the attention it deserves. We ignore the manufacturer’s recommendations, which increases the dangers of these products when using them.

Not reading these recommendations is the same as not being informed about the use of medications by not reading the package insert. Many creams contain active ingredients that, if not applied in a certain way, can cause damage to the skin.

For example, we tend to overlook the expiration date of these products, as well as the most appropriate place and environment to store it.

While these bad habits often only lead to the inactivation of substances, there are other risks as well. The molecules that make up the creams can be converted into other molecules, with undesired effects for the consumer. So how can we avoid the dangers associated with using creams incorrectly?

A few tips

In addition to the aforementioned report, the AEMPS has also published a series of tips that we should apply when using creams and cosmetics. If we follow these tips, we can significantly reduce the associated dangers.

  • First of all, they recommend that you always read the label of the product, as well as the instructions for use, warnings and precautions for use, as stated in this report (Spanish link) from the Government of the Canary Islands. By being well informed, we can guarantee the beneficial effects of the respective product.
  • Secondly, you should never use a cream or cosmetic for any purpose other than that intended by the manufacturer. If we do, we could cause other health problems.
  • Thirdly, we recommend respecting the shelf life, as well as the period after opening the product, which is stated on the product.
  • The fourth tip is to store the products properly, but also to keep the packaging clean and tightly closed. It is also important to avoid exposure to extreme temperatures and sunlight. The sun’s rays can change the structure of the molecules, causing the products to lose their effectiveness or, in the worst case, cause dangerous effects.
  • It is also essential to wash your hands before using any cosmetic product. This prevents infections.

Other tips to avoid the dangers of creams

The dangers of creams according to the experts

Apart from all the above advice, the AEMPS also proposes that we take into account the following points:

  • Do not share objects that can come into contact with body fluids with other people.
  • Do not mix products and do not add additional substances to the cosmetic.
  • Avoid changing the packaging it comes in from the factory.
  • If we use a disposable product, please dispose of it immediately after use and do not use it again.
  • If there is a defect in the packaging, throw it away.

Follow the advice of the experts

Health experts have alerted us to the potential dangers of creams and the consequences of misuse of cosmetics. The reason for this is that many of us don’t use them the way we should. We don’t read the labels, we don’t store them properly or we mix them with other products. Then we experience the harmful effects of these bad habits.

We must follow these guidelines from the health authorities to minimize all possible dangers of creams. They are simple and easy to apply tips that can save us a lot of trouble.

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