The Medicinal Properties Of Mint

Mint is used in cocktails and to prepare certain medicinal drinks. But did you know that there is a lot more to this plant than you might have thought?

Mint – also known as mentha, spearmint and peppermint – is a plant that is regularly used in the preparation of certain dishes for its aroma. This aromatic plant is used in many therapeutic treatments. After all, the medicinal properties of mint contribute to good health.

Discover the medicinal properties of mint

  • One of the most important properties of mint is that it has an antispasmodic and gas-reducing effect. It helps to fight digestive problems, especially in cases of indigestion, flatulence and abdominal pain or colic.
  • It is also important for treating the respiratory tract. After all, mint contains certain substances that are powerful expectorants.
  • This medicinal herb is very effective in treating menstrual pains.
  • Mint contains components that are very effective for treating anxiety. This plant makes us relax and therefore prevents possible consequences that such anxiety attacks bring.
  • Mint has an antiseptic effect and is a good pain reliever. It is therefore recommended to use mint in the treatment of injuries. How is this done? With a mint infusion, we can clean a wound and feel immediate pain relief, helping to heal the wound faster. In addition, it is used for certain types of burns. For the treatment of burns, mix the infusion with a small amount of olive oil. You put this mixture directly on burns, so that the stabbing pain disappears and you can avoid a possible infection.
  • This beautiful plant works very well to fight bad breath. After all, the scent of mint is very pleasant and you can smell it all day long. Menthol, one of the main ingredients in mint, is excellent for this purpose. In addition, it is very refreshing.
  • With the help of mint you can drink a delicious and relaxing tea before going to sleep. This helps to enjoy a peaceful, relaxing and restorative sleep.
  • Coin infusions are highly recommended to dissolve the gases in the digestive tract. It is a very good way to combat flatulence.

Preparation of a mint infusion

Preparing an infusion with mint is very simple. You just need to use fresh and soft leaves.

Boil half a liter of water. Remove the water from the heat and then add the mint leaves. Cover the infusion for about twenty minutes. Then strain the infusion using a colander. Your mint tea is now ready. This way you can drink three cups a day.


As you can see, mint is much more useful than just a stomachache or for its wonderfully fragrant aromas. Our list shows that the medicinal properties of mint are very diverse.

It is therefore very important for us to continuously look for what functions medicinal plants can have for our health. Even better, as long as you consume plants according to the recommended use, you won’t experience any side effects.

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