The Personal Freedom To Do What You Feel

As long as you respect those around you, no one should criticize you for choosing to do what you feel – if anything is important in your life, it’s your personal growth.
The personal freedom to do what you feel

Personal freedom is something that not everyone will experience in their lifetime. The brash attitude to do what you feel requires you to be self-conscious. You  should always express this with respect, intelligence, tact and value.

You know yourself that it is not always easy. Sometimes your responsibilities slowly start to bind you and rob you of all the pleasures in your life, making your life more difficult.

That is why it is important to set priorities. You are not responsible for the people who hurt you or take away your personal freedom. The burden you take on your shoulders and the chains that are tied around your ankles can also form major obstacles to your personal development.

In this article we invite you to reflect on this for a moment.

What I feel is the voice of my heart

Throughout your life you may choose to keep many things hidden and think that this will help you keep your world in balance:

  • You don’t say the things you want and need because you’re afraid they won’t suit your partner or your family.
  • Because you don’t want to hurt others, you keep things inside.
  • You keep putting off your desire to do more than one thing, using the excuse that now isn’t the right time, it’s already too late, or people will laugh at you for it.

In certain ways in our lives we are more focused on the outside world rather than our inner world. That’s why it’s important to keep a few simple things in mind.


Your needs can and should align with the needs of others

No one is selfish because he wants to fulfill his own needs and act freely according to his own beliefs and his personality. You should be free to do as you please as long as balance and respect are maintained.

If you want a nice weekend away on your own or with a friend, then neither your family nor your partner should take it the wrong way. The foundation of happiness is built on trust and respect.

Personal freedom is necessary and an essential goal of humanity. It is therefore important that you achieve this goal within your own means.

  • You should always be free to decide for yourself what you do and don’t do.
  • You should be free to choose what you want to do, both personally and professionally.
  • The freedom to communicate is extremely important, because your success is related to what you feel, think and do.

If you find that these three main aspects are not properly aligned, then at some point you will suffer from a great lack of self-confidence.

Do what you feel with respect and intelligence and ignore the criticism of others

If you do what you want while being aware of where the boundaries are and what your priorities are, then nothing should be able to hold you back.

  • You know that your children – if you have these – always come first and you are aware of your obligations within your family. However, these should not be obstacles to your own personal growth.
  • It’s about knowing how to strike the right balance, where nothing has complete control over you. Do everything with passion and pleasure, while at the same time knowing that all the effort you put in is worth it.

It is important to exercise personal freedom

1. Set your priorities

We already referred to this in the previous section.

  • Your priorities are aspects of your life that you cannot give up. However, it is important to take a few things into consideration here.
  • Your priorities should not completely rule your life. Life isn’t all about work, your partner or your children (you should also encourage their independence and personal freedom).
  • Try not to have too many priorities. In general, people have three priorities: their family, their job, and their personal growth (which is what this article focuses on).

2. Increasing your awareness: thinking about yourself is not selfish

Believe it or not, this is something that many people struggle with. How can you think of yourself when others need you? This is not the correct approach. It is healthier to think: ‘I take care of myself and look after my own happiness and well-being, so that I can give the best of myself to others’.

3. Realistically assess the criticism you receive

Your family may be surprised at the way you have suddenly changed:

  • Why did you recently enroll in that online course?
  • Why are you suddenly going on a long journey?
  • How can you decide to leave your husband after all these years?

What other people think is not important and you basically only have to justify yourself once. Everyone has the right to determine their own happiness. And in doing so, you have to find the balance between what you think, what you need and what you do.

There comes a point in everyone’s life when they will say this:  I do what I feel and I don’t regret anything. This is a step towards maturity and personal freedom, where you treat not only others but yourself with respect.

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