The Treatment Of Guillain-Barré Syndrome

Guillain-Barré syndrome is the most common form of demyelinating neuropathy in the world.
The treatment of Guillain-Barré syndrome

Guillain-Barré syndrome is a form of polyneuropathy, which causes muscle weakness. This form of weakness may worsen over time and then disappear completely without the need for treatment.

The cause of myelin sheath pain is usually an autoimmune problem. The complaints start with a loss of strength in the legs. Then this spreads to the trunk.

This inflammation-induced polyneuropathy is characterized by a pronounced loss of strength in the muscles. Often this symptom can persist for several days after an infection, surgery, or vaccination.

Details about Guillain-Barré . syndrome

Tired woman

The most likely cause is a reaction of the immune system against its own nerves. That’s why it’s important that someone gets immediate medical attention. After all, the symptoms can get worse very quickly. The symptoms include:

  • General loss of strength.
  • Loss of sensitivity (in some cases).

About eight weeks after a symptom appears, it may pass. About 30% of people who have these symptoms relapse, sometimes years later. That’s why it’s important to note that treatment can help patients get better faster.

Only 2% of people affected by this condition die from it.


General practitioner

The diagnosis of this disease starts with checking for symptoms. The doctor will perform a physical exam and interview to discuss the patient’s medical history.

Next, the doctor will do a series of extensive tests to better assess the patient’s health. In these cases, a neurological exam is also very helpful, where the doctor can check for loss of reflexes.

Despite the fact that this sounds like a lot of tests, it can be done very quickly. This will make it possible to quickly assess the patient’s health and provide the care they need.

The treatment of Guillain-Barré syndrome


The first measure to be taken in patients is hospitalization. This is because of the rapid onset of symptoms, which can affect the respiratory muscles and lead to death.

Therefore, treatment of Guillain-Barré syndrome is based, as appropriate, on the use of mechanical ventilation and life support measures. In the hospital, the appearance of bedsores should also be prevented and physiotherapy should be used to maintain or regain muscle tone.

Particular attention should be paid to infection prevention and monitoring of the following:

  • Breathing
  • Heart activity (to check for arrhythmia or other complications)
  • Arterial tension (to check for hypertension or hypotension)

In addition, the treatment of Guillain-Barré syndrome involves the administration of intravenous immunoglobulin. Plasmapheresis (a method that filters the blood into its individual components) is also a good option. The safety of these treatments is reliable. And they are very effective at shortening the time spent in the hospital and speeding up recovery.

With regard to pharmacological treatment, it is important to point out that corticosteroids are not advised for the treatment of Guillain-Barré syndrome and will exacerbate the condition.

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