Tips And Infusions To Treat Sciatic Nerve

Did you know that turmeric can help ease the pain caused by sciatica? Because Turmeric is anti-inflammatory, it can provide relief when we consume the spice as a tea, as well as when we apply it in the form of a poultice.
Tips and infusions to treat sciatic nerve

When the sciatic nerve becomes inflamed, we experience pain in the buttocks that runs down the back of the thighs and often this pain extends all the way down the leg to the ankle.

To treat problems with the sciatic nerve, you can use anti-rheumatic or analgesic herbs. You can consume these herbs in the form of tea, but can also be applied in the form of a poultice or paste.

Symptoms that indicate inflammation of the sciatic nerve

  • You experience a sharp pain that starts in the buttocks and the back of your leg and then goes almost all the way to your ankle.
  • You have trouble performing certain simple movements, such as turning over in bed.
  • When you have to stand for long periods, the pain increases until the pain becomes almost unbearable.
  • When there is severe inflammation , no posture or position offers relief or improvement.
  • Someone who suffers from such an inflammation feels very incapacitated because of the pain and discomfort.

 Infusions that help fight sciatica


Turmeric Infusion

Turmeric is a spice highly recommended by naturists for treating sciatica. Turmeric has great anti-inflammatory properties, and according to research at the University of Virginia, it can relieve pain radiating from the lower back.

Make a turmeric tea by steeping a few twigs of the turmeric plant in half a liter of water. Then drink this tea three to four times a day.

Varied Infusion


  • Yarrow
  • Pansy tricolor
  • Marjoram
  • elderberry blossom
  • Dandelion

How do you make the infusion?

  1. Use ten grams of each of these dried plants.
  2. Crush the plants first and mix them well.
  3. Then bring a cup of water to the boil and add one tablespoon of these mixed herbs.
  4. Cover the cup and let the mixture sit for about 5 minutes.
  5. Then drink the infusion. Drink two cups a day.

Carrot juice and parsley

carrot juice

This juice can help you treat sciatica. You make the juice by pureeing a few carrots along with a few sprigs of parsley. Then drink a glass of this smoothie every day. It does not matter what time of day you drink the juice.

It is also recommended to eat a clove of garlic on an empty stomach along with a glass of pineapple juice, with no added sugars.

Supplements to Treat Sciatica


According to a study in mice with a pinched sciatic nerve, published in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, quercetin helps restore motor and sensory functions.

This is a bioflavonoid commonly found in fruits and vegetables.  There are especially high amounts of it in onions and apples. Quercetin has the ability to protect cells against the damaging influence of free radicals, thanks to its high antioxidant content.


This is an enzyme found mainly in pineapple  and can help reduce inflammation of the sciatic nerve.


Spirulina contains large amounts of vitamins and minerals and is therefore able to nourish the nervous system and purify the body by eliminating fats and toxins.

Compresses and pastes to prevent sciatica

  • Use a green clay poultice to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Apply the clay by gently massaging the affected area.
  • Make a paste by mixing a tablespoon of olive oil with a little ground ginger. Apply like a compress by gently massaging the affected area. You can repeat this treatment several times a day. 

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