Tips To Prevent Gallstones With A Healthy Diet

Do you suffer from gallstones? Then try some of these diet tips!
Tips to prevent gallstones with a healthy diet

Diet is a key factor in the management of patients with gallstones. Because a healthy diet can speed up recovery and help manage symptoms. That is why we give you some tips to prevent gallstones with a healthy diet.

Patients with gallstones must change their diet to stimulate the release and production of bile. This is not only necessary to facilitate the disposal of the crystals. But it also helps to avoid other complications in the system.

In addition, eating various foods that are low in fat aids the recovery process. However, it is not recommended to follow a strict diet. Still, it is essential to avoid some foods that can aggravate the situation.

The recommended menu for treating this condition may differ individually. This depends on the seriousness of the situation, your age and your lifestyle. However, there are some general aspects. Everyone can therefore apply them and promote the treatment with a healthy diet.

What are gallstones and what are the symptoms?

Gallstones are hard deposits that form in the gallbladder. They can be small and the size of a grain of sand or the size of a golf ball.

Usually they are formed by the accumulation of residues of cholesterol. But they can also be the result of excess bilirubin in the bile. Some people have only one gallstone while others have several.

Symptoms of Gallstones

Many cases of gallstones show no symptoms. If the gallstones block an outlet of the gallbladder, patients may experience the following symptoms:

  • A sudden pain that intensifies in the upper part of the abdomen.
  • Pain just below the sternum.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Jaundice.
  • Chills and fever.

Tips to prevent gallstones with a healthy diet

The main objective of a nutritional plan to fight gallstones is to help the body get rid of the hard deposits.  These can cause blockages or difficulties in the system. At the same time, it complements the treatment and relieves symptoms so that complications can be prevented.

If the symptoms are severe or the patient is taking medication, the diet should be prepared by an expert. Because even though some basic aspects have to be considered, there are also special measures that have to be taken.

Reduce your intake of fat

A healthy diet

The entire nutritional plan to fight gallstones should focus on limiting the intake of saturated and trans fats. Because a diet that is low in fat prevents the formation of the hard deposits in the gallbladder. Moreover, it also aids in the recovery process.

These are some banned foods:

  • Full-fat dairy products
  • Fatty cheeses
  • Fatty meat
  • Processed and cured meat
  • Organs such as liver, heart, kidneys and intestines
  • Sauces and dressings
  • Pastry
  • Chocolate and its derivatives
  • Fried foods and fast food

drink more water

Dehydration can cause serious complications in people with gallstones. Patients should drink water throughout the day. Because this liquid reduces the concentration of bile and helps to break down the cholesterol crystals.

  • It is best to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day until there is an improvement.

Eat fruits and vegetables

A healthy diet to treat gallstones

With a healthy diet that contains plenty of fruits and vegetables, you provide the body with water, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. They play a protective role against gallstones.

These foods also make you feel full. So they should be part of the overall plan that includes a healthy diet. If you eat these foods, the accumulation of cholesterol and harmful fats will decrease.

Add more fiber to your diet

Foods high in fiber are essential in a diet to fight gallstones. Because the intake of this nutrient helps to absorb the bile. This, in turn, promotes the excretion of bile before it is reabsorbed into the gallbladder.

These are some foods high in fiber:

  • Oatmeal
  • Brown rice
  • Seeds, legumes and whole grains
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Papaya
  • figs

Drink medicinal extracts from plants

A healthy diet

Drinking some infusions of plants or teas is a great supplement that calms the symptoms of gallstones. Some ingredients even help break down the stones more easily.

Here are some recommendations:

  • horsetail
  • Tuber Silk Plant
  • chamomile
  • Turmeric
  • Artichoke

If the symptoms get worse despite these diet tips, see a doctor right away. Sometimes the gallstones are very large and can only be removed with surgery.

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