Tips To Take Care Of Your Kidneys And Bladder

The kidneys and bladder perform important functions in our body. It is therefore important that you take good care of these organs, for example by avoiding alcohol.
Tips to take care of your kidneys and bladder

The kidneys and bladder are two essential organs in our body. They are not only the basis of our urinary system, but they are also an important part of the lymphatic system. Together with the liver, they thus ensure the elimination of all toxic substances and waste products from our body.

When we talk about toxic substances, we must remember how vulnerable we are to these external and internal pollutants. Toxic substances, which can be caused not only by food, pesticides or environmental pollution but also by stress, can make their way into our bloodstream.

Situations such as anxiety attacks, for example, cause the presence of negative substances in our body.

The kidneys and liver are necessary in the fight against these impurities, just like the bladder. The latter is essential for the elimination of urine and it is therefore important that the bladder is always in a healthy condition and protected against common infections.

The most common kidney and bladder problems

  • Problems with bladder control, such as incontinence or cessation problems.
  • Infections
  • Problems filtering the blood correctly
  • Changes in the wall of the bladder (can no longer hold as much urine as before)
  • Blockage of the urethra

When should I see a doctor?

  • When you notice signs of a urinary tract infection .
  • If you experience fever, chills, vomiting or extreme fatigue.
  • If you constantly feel like you need to pee.
  • When you experience pain when urinating.

Guidelines to take care of your kidneys and bladder

Watching what you eat is the foundation and essential to keeping your kidneys and bladder in good health. In this article we will show you some concrete guidelines so that you can apply them to your diet and thus keep your kidneys and bladder healthy.

Cleanse your kidneys and bladder every three days

If you give your kidneys a rest every three days, you could apparently stretch your life. And when your kidneys are functioning properly, you also protect the proper functioning of your bladder. But how exactly do you clean these organs?

It’s actually very easy. All you have to do is set aside the following nutrients every three days :

  • Coffee
  • Alcohol
  • Sugared and Caffeinated Drinks
  • Foods with a high protein content
  • Salty

These nutrients are very irritating and make your kidneys work twice as hard as normal.

Suitable drinks for your kidneys and bladder

  • Blueberry juice:  This powerful antioxidant can protect the urinary system, prevent infections and prevent bacteria from clinging to the bladder wall, which is crucial for these organs. The juice cleanses our body and can therefore best be drunk daily.
  • Carrot juice:  This juice is not only very tasty and refreshing, but it can also help to purify the blood.
  • Grape juice  is an excellent source of minerals. Therefore, grape juice can help us to remove uric acids and create a regular heartbeat.
carrot juice

Suitable vegetables for your kidneys and bladder

It is very important to always remember that eating raw fruits and vegetables should be an indispensable part of your diet. Why?

Raw vegetables and raw fruits provide us with living enzymes that are lost when the fruit or vegetables are cooked and those enzymes are very important for the purification process in our body. That’s why we recommend that you eat as many fruits and vegetables raw as possible.

The following list contains vegetables that are very good for the kidneys and bladder.

  • Asparagus possesses diuretic properties that promote the functioning of our kidneys, remove toxins and – the term says it all – stimulate the expulsion of urine.
  • Celery  is perfect to use in salads or even as an infusion. Celery, like asparagus, is diuretic and is also rich in minerals.
  • Beets  are very good for detoxifying the kidneys , according to a study by  Queen Mary University of London .
  • White beans  can also have a positive effect on the kidneys, but only to the right degree.

Suitable herbs for your kidneys and bladder

  • Nettle and Dandelion:  These herbs are both diuretics, helping to cleanse the kidneys and remove uric acid.
  • Parsley : No matter what form we eat parsley (raw or as an infusion), this herb can be good for cleansing the liver because of its nutrients.
    • You only need to boil a handful of parsley in two liters of water for ten minutes.
    • Filter the infusion and store it in the refrigerator.
    • Try to drink it all in five days and then take a break for a week.
    • Your liver will be cleansed and free of any leftover salt residue.

Remember that the health of your kidneys and bladder largely depends on your diet. Avoid foods rich in fat or salt, alcohol, sweets…

All of these nutrients cause your kidneys to stop filtering, preventing your blood from being properly purified. The consequences of this can range from kidney stones to heart problems.

If taking care of our health is part of the responsibilities of a quality life, it doesn’t seem like a bad idea to pay enough attention to our diet and include some of the nutrients mentioned above.

When you do this, and try to exercise a little every day and otherwise do your best to avoid stressful situations and live life in a relaxed way, your body will no doubt notice that. And believe us, it’s more than worth it!

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