Top 3 Cereals For Weight Loss

Oats are a good choice for people with diabetes because they help regulate blood sugar levels. They also help the body burn fat.
Top 3 Cereals For Weight Loss

By now you are probably over-saturated with information about so-called miracle diets. On this website, we want to show you some simple and healthy ideas that will improve the quality of your life.  That’s why we recommend adding these wonderful grains to your diet if you want to lose weight. What do you have to lose?

Are some grains effective for weight loss?


Recently, eating grains as a main meal has received a lot of attention. Many brands try to convince us that this is an ideal way to lose weight.

However, they are a great supplement for weight loss in a healthy way. The secret lies in the following properties:

  • Cereals are satisfying and prevent us from eating between meals. They provide nutrients and fiber that give us energy until the next meal.
  • We can supplement grain with a number of proteins.  For example, you could prepare a meal with a small piece of salmon or roast turkey. After that, you can eat a bowl of oatmeal with fruit. Something like this is ideal, as it is low in calories, which promotes weight loss.
  • It is also worth noting that you should not overdo the consumption of whole grains and seeds. One cup of oatmeal, whole grain teff or chia seeds per day is sufficient. It is good for digestion and it is also nutritious and satisfying. These grains can help us lose a pound a week, but don’t eat too much of them. Don’t forget to supplement grains with a low-fat diet and exercise.

The Best Cereals for Weight Loss

1. A Trendy Weight Loss Grain: Teff


You may not have heard of this, but it is taking the celebrity world by storm after several studies have clearly shown the  effectiveness of teff in weight loss and maintaining a slim figure, in addition to good health.

So what is teff? In the first place, it is a cereal that has always been used in Africa. It has been around for over 5000 years and is sold in most countries of the world, so it doesn’t have to be expensive or hard to find at the local supermarket or health food store. Its high iron and vitamin content makes it ideal for maintaining good health.

Properties of teff

But more than that,  this grain is rich in carbohydrates, fiber and also gluten-free. This makes it a good choice for people with type II diabetes. But what’s the secret to weight loss? Teff is satisfying, helps regulate fat burning, is easy to digest and prevents constipation. It also generally helps to detoxify the body and promotes good bowel movements.

And how do you eat it? It’s very simple:

  • You can mix it with your favorite plant-based milk for breakfast.
  • It can be baked in bread, pastries, cookies, and healthy bars.
  • You only need a small amount to satisfy your hunger and take advantage of its nutritious qualities.

Doesn’t that sound great?

2. The wonderful properties of oatmeal

Oatmeal with Strawberries

You probably already knew this. Oatmeal stands out as one of the best superfoods in the world. In fact, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) refers to this grain as one of the most nutritious and healthy foods to add to your daily food pyramid.

But did you know that it is also great for losing weight? Well, that’s it! Oatmeal is very satisfying and is an excellent digestive regulator, helping you eliminate excess fat little by little. But you have to be consistent and eat it every day.

Properties of oatmeal

Oatmeal is rich in:

  • Fiber
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • trace elements

And like teff, it also helps regulate blood sugar levels, making it suitable for diabetics. If you have liver problems, you will want to know that the lecithin it contains cleans and detoxifies the liver. So it is a great way to completely cleanse your body and get rid of harmful substances and fat.

As you can see, oatmeal is a natural gift that we should not reject. It will help you lose weight, so add it to your daily breakfast – combined with fruit or plant-based milk. You can even make a rich oatmeal water that you can drink with meals throughout the day. Why not?

3. Chia seeds, a source of good health


Chia seeds are very popular right now and while they are not technically a grain, they deserve a mention for their amazing benefits. Despite having long been used in therapeutic health and nutrition, we are only now discovering the full value of chia seeds, which are also good for weight loss. But where do they come from? Why are they so good?

Properties of chia seeds

First of all, it is important to know that they are an excellent source of:

  • Fiber
  • Antioxidants
  • Calcium
  • Protein
  • Omega 3

All of these factors help prevent us from snacking because they make us feel full. And you should know that a chia seed absorbs ten times its weight  in water, so it is excellent when combined with a liquid, such as in smoothies or even yogurt. Chia is filling and provides us with excellent benefits.

They are also easy to digest, help prevent constipation and also help regulate blood sugar. These seeds are truly fantastic and worth including in our diet.

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